Can you feel the love tonight?

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The fancy party was in full swing. Everyone from the guild was dressed to the nines as they all danced and mingled with many other guilds. Standing by the punch bowl, Gray watched as everyone was busy enjoying themselves. He was looking for a certain someone, but sighed when he had no luck finding the water mage.

Just the thought of her made him relax and made his heart race.

"God just give me a sign" He thought. He needed a push to send him in the right direction. She didn't deserve the tortuous waiting game and he was even getting tired. Of course he wanted to tell her how he felt, but he was still not a hundred percent sure, he didn't want to make a mistake, she deserve the best.

"Gray-sama!" Her voiced seemed more angelic recently and he couldn't help but smile. He turned and faced the water mage, his breath caught in his throat as he took her in.

Gray couldn't ignore how beautiful Juvia looked in her dress. The striking deep blue made her fair skin shine, not to mention the highlight of her dress adoring her long legs. The legs he may or may not have fantasized about a few times. This high-low dress was absolutely on his favorites list.

"Juvia, you look beautiful." He complemented. A soft blush dusted her cheeks, make her face glow. Her entire essence was dazzling and he swore he could see stars in her eyes. He felt his heart beat faster with every second passing.

"Would-oh, oh thank you Gray-sama! Uhh, would you like dance with Juvia on the next song?" She asked, her heart fluttered at the sudden compliment.

"Sure." He said and took her hand in his, leading them to the ballroom floor. Juvia's heart swelled at his chivalry, she had never seen him act like this before. In that moment she fell in love with him once more.

He spun around so they faced each other, closer together than most of the pairs dancing. Gently he placed his hands on her hips and arm, pulling her ever so slightly closer to him, her scent of warm vanilla intrigued him further. She gladly responded and put her arms in the correct placement. They danced to the ending of the first song, desperately awaiting the next to be played. His eyes never left hers and she wondered what changed. She thrived at this new advancement but she didn't want to send her mind to too high places. She wanted to enjoy this moment as it was.

"Maybe this next song will be a sign?" He wondered as they began to sway.

Can you feel the love tonight?

"I'd call that a sign." He laughed to himself

The Iconic Lion King song played and Juvia's eyes widened slightly as he laughed and spun her around. Her dress flowing behind her and also she let out a slight laugh. The chandeliers above added an extra sparkle to her face. The way her eyes closed and cheeks flushed as he led her on the dance floor made him realize something, something very important that made him chuckle.

"Gray-sama? What's so funny?" She asked, her head rested on his chest as they swayed to the beat of the song.

"Its funny." He paused, carefully he tilted her head up. He let himself get lost in the sapphire ocean that was her eyes. "Funny, that out of all the people in the universe." He twirled her around and dipped her. "You decided to give your love to a poor soul like me. One who is not deserving of such an precious artifact." Her hand was graced with a kiss.

"Does this mean Gray-sama doesn't return Juvia's feelings?" She whispered quietly, her smile clearly faded but she kept it for show. Carefully she lowered her arms, putting a small distance between them. She wasn't mad or upset, just wanted him to be happy.

"That's alright Gray, Juvia understands." She turned to walk away, but his hands grasped her, making her spin and fall into his arms.

Can you feel the love tonight?

"No." Her eyes looked into his. "I return your feelings Juvia, to the fullest that I can. I am grateful that I get to have all your love." The world disappeared as he placed his lips to hers. Everything faded as they the claimed the moment.

"Tell me Juvia, can you feel the love tonight?" He sang softly to her, practically melting her.

Pecking him once more, her smile returned to its brighten glory.


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