Russian Roulette

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Warning: mention of adult content 

His eyes traced the ice cube floating in his drink. He threw his head back letting the amber liquid run his throat, burning slightly but he accepted the pain.

There was something about sitting in a lonely bar that made him feel at ease. His head hung low and he debated whether to continue his plunge with alcohol or heave back to his apartment, leaving with only a minor headache and a heavy heart. It was Valentines Day and he was all alone.

He stayed until the bar became packed. The nightlife traveling through that constituted of short dresses, sloppy kisses and people buying more alcohol than they could afford. Disgusted, he order another drink and waited for the bartender to return.

His gaze traced the bar where the empty seat next to him now was filled by a set of gorgeous legs and a face that could make any heart thump. His eyes became glued to her as she held up her delicate hand, ordering the same drink as him. She work many rings but her left ring finger was clean, a detail he kept in the back of his mind.

He wanted to look away, he really did but when she blew her bangs out of her face, their eyes locked and it was like a bucket of cold water crashed over him. Her mouth parted open and she had to stop herself from drooling, his dark eyes drew her in, captivating her instantly. She had enough with men for the past few months but the way his eyes grazed hers, she wasn't sure if the intoxication was from the alcohol or his divine scent.

Their shared wonder stuck and both of them knew how dangerous it would be to play the game of love, especially on a night like tonight. Another other night and the rules wouldn't matter but if you didn't play your cards right then you would end up in a valentine Russian roulette. A game that most lost at. A game that was forgotten quickly, the same game that was never played twice.

They knew not to do it but they couldn't help it. Two lonely hearts on a day of love, trying to forget the heart break of the day before. The empty glasses piled up on the bar and her giggles filled his ears.

The club disappeared and they were in their own would. Her leg between his and his hand on the back of her chair, the one that was pulled so close that she was almost on his lap, how he craved to get her on his lap.

"And that's how Juvia ended up here, in a musty bar on a lonely night." Her voice became a drug he craved and it danced in his ears almost like he's heard it before.

"I think that a real crime. Breaking a heart before V day is cold, especially when it belongs to a girl like you." Her fingers danced on his arms, a gesture he'd normally push off but for some reason, she was all he could think about. "I've had my fair share in heart breaks, your pain just mimics mine."

"Its times like these that Juvia prefers to forget about it all. Even if its just for a night."

"Memories are the worst kind of torture." He stated and clinked his glass to hears, the twinkling sound becoming a symbol of truce between them. Her thick eyelashes batted against his, a smile curling up on his lips as a kiss was exchanged between them, almost like a token for a game, a game that had just pressed START.

The daunting look in her eyes told him that the night wasn't over, he let out a small growl as she kisses his cheek, whispering in his ear and suddenly cash was thrown on the counter as the two players left for more.

Usually these games consisted of sloppy kisses, muddy moans and pointless inquires but right now it was clear as can be. Everything was different. Kisses were filled with desire and heat, ones only lovers had. Her moans were crisp and clean and he screamed her name on repeat, something neither would do for any other game.

It was almost like they were lovers in another life, their bodies adapting to each other so smoothly that they began to question the world around them. The memories of yesterdays heartbreak became a blur as her eyes traveled up and down his body, examining him, making sure she wouldn't forget him, even if it was only for tonight. Ecstasy pumped throughout them, their bodies in sync like a needle on a vinyl, music to their ears as their partner let another noise escape their lips for the hundredth time.

Her hair was tossed on the bed as she began to arch to the heavens, his hot breath teasing her skin every time he did so little as breath. His body raged against hers as those dreamy legs wrapped around him, clinging to him for support he gladly would give and the melody of their heartbeat drowned out the cries of their hearts. Like the waves of the sea, their bodies crashed together, moving along in waves of pleasure.

Each thrust was another spin on the barrel of the gun, they both knew the bullet would come at any moment but as she began to see stars, they realized something. Why play a game when you know you're going to lose no matter what?

With a final satisfying thrust and click of the gun, their game came to an end. Collapsing against each other, they held them in their arms, hoping that the bullet was still tuck away in the gun. Their hands entwined like lovers and scent mixed as one, they drifted off to a peaceful sleep, one they each hadn't had in months.

The early glare of sun awoken the pair. Her eyes afraid to look behind her for the fear of him being gone. but warm hand encased her waist and pulled her to the familiar chest, a breath of relief coming from both of them.

She turned and looked into his eye, desperate to find the answer.

Would they pick up the gun and play again or just let it collect dust until its used on another person?

Instead of leaving the hotel to got their separate ways, they stayed in each others arms, not wanting to leave the comfort they created. So as the months passed by, their gun sat on the shelf, collecting dust, never to be played again.

The two loneliest hearts on valentines day played a daring game of lover roulette, one they both knew could hurt them bad. But as the months past, they stayed together, creating countless memories to replace the ones that made them find each other in the first place.

There was no point in playing the game when they had already won.

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