Gruvia Day 2019

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So it was gruvia day a few days ago (Sep 9 I think) and I wrote this piece for my fav otp


This features the Fullbuster Family with their son Silver and my OC daughter for them, Miku!

Miku means "beautiful sky" In Japanese so I thought it was fitting and I'm pretty sure I have written for her before. 


The sun was shining all over the city and it truly was a picture perfect summers day. With the new generation being brought up, days like this where the family could relax and play together quietly without the rustle and bustle of the guild were rare for the Fullbuster family.

"Higher mommy! Higher!" Miku giggled as Juvia smiled and pulled the swing back to push her four year old daughter.

"Up into the clouds little one!" Juvia laughed and even formed a little shower over them and a rainbow appeared.

Mikus dark brown eyes became entranced by her mother's magic. Her bright blue hair that was gifted primarily from her mother was tied into the cutest pigtails and bobbed up and down as she was pushed higher.

Sitting on the porch was Gray. Relaxing with a drink in his hand, he watched his wife dance and play with their expressive little girl.

"Hey dad?" Silver called as he walked outside with a folder in his hand. "Could you help me with a project?"

"Project? School hasn't even started yet and Levy already started homework?" Gray shook his head as Silver sat next to him and placed his folder on the glass table.

"It's extra credit." Silver shrugged. "Normally I wouldn't care to do it but Nashi and I are in the same class again and I have to start the year with better grades."

Gray let out a laugh as he recalled that the Fullbuster and Dragneel feud still lived on through their children, something he wasn't entirely sure he was proud of.

"Alright. What kind of assignment!"

"Well it's like a presentation of you life. You can choose a certain aspect to focus on and I decided that you and mom were my best option."

"Really? Doing a project on your old man?" Gray smiled smugly. Silver rolled his eyes and blew his deep blue fringe out from his face.

"Yeah, yeah. I wanted to know how you met."

"You know how we met. Your mother and I fought, I saved her life, she joined the guild and bam! You were born." He winked and Silvers face twisted in disgust.

"Okay, gross. But no. I wanted to know how you knew you loved her, I already asked mom and she gave me a super long list of literally every aspect of you." He pulled out a paper and true to his word, the entire thing was filled with Juvias responses and also another paragraph about how much she loved him.

Gray could feel his heart speed up as he quickly raked his eyes over them.

"Well for starters Juvia is extremely kind and loving. She is the most devoted and self sacrificing woman I have ever met-"

"No" Silver stopped him. "I want the moment you knew you loved her. What was the defying moment that changed you and you knew that every second moving forward, you love her?" He asked.

Gray was taken back from his request. "Oh." He started. "I didn't realize you wanted this to be that deep." His eyes then refocused on the woman playing with the blue haired girl in the sandbox.

He watched as she formed animals and shapes using her magic and the way her eyes lit up when their daughter giggled brought him back to the memories.

"It was after an intense battle." Gray started, his eyes still on Juvia. "I had just lost my father, again. There was so much pain in my heart as I was hunched over his grave in the snow. And then she came along. She told me that she didn't have a right to love me anymore and that she would leave." Silvers eyes widened. "And that's when I knew."

"I wasn't lying when I said she is devoted. I'm lucky enough she waited for me to get my act together. When she came and stayed by my side, I knew she was forever."

"So you knew mom was the one when Grandpa died?" Silver asked hesitantly.

"I knew I never wanted to leave her side from that moment but I think I fell in love with her on a different day."

"Do tell."

"It was raining. A terrible storm was pouring outside and I knew she wasn't going to be too pleased. Water might be her element but before Fairy Tail, she hated the rain. So at this time we had just started dating, I was very new to the whole thing but your mom did everything in her power to make sure that I was alright. Nothing too fast, nothing too slow."

"Sounds like mom wears the pants in the relationship." Silver snorted and his father only shrugged.

"So instead of going inside to watch a movie. We sparred. She was now more confident with the rain as her past didn't define her anymore. At first it was light and nothing more than kicks and punches."

"You punched mom!" Silver yelled and Gray shushed him.

"We were sparring, it's what you do. Now I knew I was going to be struggling since it was raining but I didn't know how powerful she was going to be. Your mom used her magic to water lock me. She pinned me to the ground, raised my chin and said-"

"Juvias got you right where she wants you."

The boys turned around to see Juvia holding a sleepy Miku.

"You. You pinned dad to the ground and that's when he fell in love!" Silver said in disbelief.

"What can I say. She took my breath away."

"Literally, your father passed out after he told me he loved me." Juvia smiled sheepishly.

"Wow." Silver stated and Gray nodded.

"Silver honey, will you take your sister and lay her down in her crib." Juvia said as she passed her daughter to her son.

He took his sister kindly and went inside. "It's funny darling." Juvia giggled as she took a seat on her husbands lap. "Juvia doesn't believe that was the day, or have you been lying to me?" She pouted playfully.

"You know damn well the moment I fell in love with you is when you sent Natsus ass flying."

Juvias face deadpanned as she glared at her husband and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay okay!" He smirked and kissed her hand. "It was during the Grand Magic Games, when we went on our date."

"Juvia remembers." She whispered softly.

"And we were alone." His fingers trailed up her arms. "And I remember what you were wearing or specifically what you weren't wearing." He winked and he could hear her breathing hitch. "And how beautiful you were as my name left your lips."

In that moment she captured his lips and kissed him slowly. Even after years of marriage and kids, the spark between them roared like an eternal flame.

"Juvia likes that story so much more." Her forehead pressed against his and he agreed.

"Well I wasn't going to tell our son that." He laughed and pecked her lips again.

Suddenly a dangerous spark gleamed in her blue eyes. "Silver! Pack a bag you're staying at your staying at Aunt Lucy's house!" Juvia called without taking her eyes off her husband.

The porch door opened and they turned to see a bruiting Silver. "You guys are gross."

His parents let out a laugh as their teenage son grumbled as he stormed back into the house.

"Oh he's so cute when he's mad." Juvia cooed over her baby boy.

"Yeah but you're cuter." He nuzzled her cheek. "And I love you."

Juvia batted her eyelashes and titled his chin with her finger. "I love you too."

Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now