Letting Go

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It had been four months.

Four months since the rain started to pour back down, bringing back painful memories of gloomy Juvia, the person she wanted to forget.

Four months since she's seen her beloved Gray. And everyday she would be startled at any sudden noises hoping that it would be him walking through their door.

Their door, it didn't seem like that anymore.

No, this home they built lost its warmth around the first month but she couldn't convince herself until now.

She walked outside and let the rain fall on her, but it wasn't the cold and dangerous drops of her past she felt. No, this rain was different.

The rain was still cold but it felt empty. The sky was crying for her because her tears dried up two months prior.

She never believed in giving up on her beloved but as she made her way back inside she stopped at the mirror.

Her face had paled and her hair had gotten knotted and damaged. Her body was slowly thinning and she knew that if she kept going like this, she wouldn't be alive to witness the return of her love.

Taking a deep breath she went to her bedroom and changed into her training clothes.

Back outside she went and to their spot that they made for training.

"Letting go doesn't mean giving up on love, but letting go of the fear that it will disappear" she whispered to herself even though no one was around to hear.

And she began training. By herself in the rain.

And even though she was still sad her heart was full and she believed there was a reason because her beloved would never hurt her.

The rain was still pouring but instead of the ice cold drops it became warm and comforting, like the type you dance in.

And with a small smile she let go of the fear of abandonment and let in the hope of a warm return.

Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora