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So this isn't a drabble or fic so if you wanna skip that's fine. I just wanna say thank you for all the love and support all you readers give me! I have officially posted all of my Guvia oneshots I have written so far on my tumblr and other sites! 

If you are not aware Gruvia weel is starting tomorrow!! (April 1-8) I think so expect more fics!!!

If you want to read the fic the moment they come out, you can follow me on:

Tumblr: thewritingstar (every fic i have written is here about 90+)

Archive Of Our Own: TheWritingStar

Fanfiction.net: TheWritingStar (Don't use it very often) 

I also write for other pairs in Fairy Tail but I write for My Hero as well so if you want I can post my fics here too. Hopefully I will get all my fics I've written here soon. 

Anyways thank you all for reading! 

On tumblr I call my readers my Stargazers (a fan created the name) So Thank you my lovely Stargazers!

If you have any request you want to happen leave them here or on my message board or tumblr, hopefully I will see it and will do my best to get it done. 

-Star :) 

Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now