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The door to the apartment opened, making Gray turn his head. He flashed a smile that would of made her heart melt but she only ushered out a "hello" and when straight to the kitchen.

Gray sat there stunned. Something was definitely wrong and if he didn't find out soon, there was a chance at rain and he didn't want to see his girlfriend upset.

"Babe" his voice called. He watched as the muscles in her back tensed up. She responded but didn't turn around, the one thing that absolutely annoyed him. She was reaching for a cup, getting frustrated when the one she wanted was on the top shelf, Gray must of put it there.

He sighed and walked behind her, pressing his chest to her back and reaching for the mug with ease. He handed it to her and a "thank you" slipped out.

Before he could touch her against, she slipped away to make hot water for her tea, she didn't want him to worry or think that anything was wrong but if she didn't get to a secluded area soon, she was going to lose it, and she had no intention of letting her man know that she was upset.

Gray jumped up on the counter, watching Juvia make herself some tea.

"Juvia" he grumbled. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Gray." She replied, noticing a snap to her voice.

Now it was confirmed that she was upset, she called him Gray for crying out loud! He rolled his eyes, annoyed that she wouldn't open up. He missed the warmth of her smile, which was now replace with an icy scowl.

"Juvia look if you wanna talk about-"

"I said I was fine!" She yelled. Her hand smacked the counter and she looked into his eyes. Both their eyes widened, she had never yelled like that before and Gray didn't blame her. She was extremely upset.

"I-I just need to be alone right now." He could hear the sniffle in her voice and the window behind showed a little shower forming. He nodded and the warm mug joined her as she walked past him to their room, kissing him on the cheek quickly to apologize.

The warm water was a tad too hot but Juvia didn't noticed. She was in her element so she let the tears fall. Once she had a good cry, she would be back to normal, in a day or two, that's how it worked, how it always was.

Her knees were stuck to her chest, the only noise heard was her sobs.

Her eyes closed but the tears didn't stop. Her mind flooded with negative energy and she cursed at herself for caring.

She felt the water rise and the temperature dropped slightly. Her eyes opened them to find Gray sitting on the other side. She was too gloomy to even thing about how handsome he looked sitting there in all his naked glory.

"Juvia, please tell me what happened. I want to know so I can make it better." His voice was soft and warm. He sat up and moved closer to her, placing a hand on her cheek and using his thumb to wipe away the tears.

"You know I hate seeing you cry." She simply nodded and felt her cheeks warm when he kissed her trembling hand.

"It's silly"


"I'm sure it's not"


"You'll get mad that Juvia felt this way"


"Nothing that you say is going to make me mad."


"o-okay" She whispered. "Juvia was with her friends and they went to the big mall. Juvia was very excited when she found a magazine that featured Gray-Sama and Her. Juvia looked through the pages and found ours. But when Juvia read it, it was all about how Juvia forced you into a relationship, that you're only with me because you feel sorry for Juvia."

"Juvia I-"

"And then Juvia met some fans, they were all so nice, but then" She gulped. "Another group came up to Juvia, telling me how I ruined Fairy Tail and that Gray-sama was better off without me. They kept saying awful things" Gray watched with a concerned look, tears jumping from her eyes.

He could also hear the storm raging outside and his blood boiled.

"Juvia." He called. She looked at him, her body shaking and scared. "You don't believe them right?" He asked. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he thought those stupid and nasty rumors were actually true.

The delayed nod only made him sigh. Quickly he turned her body around, making her back crashed against his chest as he pulled her in for a tight embrace.

The moment their skin connect, she felt at peace. The negative thought dimmed but doubt was still there.

"Juvia" his voice soothed her as he whispered. "You know none of that is true. And that it will never be true." Her body sank more into his and she tried to contain the sobs that were too eager to escape her trembling lips.

His fingers traced slow patterns on her stomach and hip, helping her to calm down. "Force me into a relationship? Yeah, I don't think so. I joined in on my own, I should of joined a long time ago actually." This made her stifle out a laugh.

"And feel sorry? No the only ones who should feel sorry is everyone who isn't me. Because right now they are all alone while I'm here with the most amazing and caring human being, you."

He couldn't see the smile forming on her face but could feel the warmth radiating off of her. He nuzzled his face into her neck as she played with his fingers, continuing his romantic speech.

"And I don't even think it would be physically possible for me to survive without you. Everyday is a new day to love you. To cherish you and be thankful that out of all the sad bastards in the world, you chose me."

"Gray-sama don't say that about yourself!" She scolded him. "Then don't say that I'm better off without." He replied. "Now just relax Raindrop, you're gonna wear yourself out with all these tears." His voice brought her peace and her eyes fluttered closed and all she could hear was his heartbeat in sync with hers. His reassuring put her at ease.

"Thank you Gray-sama. Juvia feels better already." She whispered. He hummed a response and kissed the back of her head and every bit of doubt dismissed from Juvias mind.

After sitting in the warm bath for a while, the water started to get cold, even too cold for Grays liking. Slipping out of the tub, he grabbed a fluffy white towel and helped Juvia out. Sitting on the edge of the bath, Gray began to dry his water mage off, notching her blue eyes were stained with red, he kissed her cheek softly.

After they were both clean and relaxed, Gray used the towel to pull her close.

"Now let me show you how much I love you." He smirked and the deep gaze in his eyes didn't get past Juvia.

Kissing him deeply, she jumped into his arms where him brought them to their bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too Juvia."

As she kissed his neck, he looked out the window and saw the evening sky clear of rain.

Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now