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Prompt: "Wait, are those-? Are those bruises?"

Angsty request. enjoy!!


"Gray-sama!" A familiar voice rang through the chatting guild hall.

A small smile lit up Grays face as he turned on the bar stool to see Juvia waving and walking up to him.

It had been a few days since they had seen each other since Juvia took a job with Wendy in a near by town.

"Hey Juv." Gray smiled and leaned down to kiss her. They had only been dating publicly for months and he had gotten rid of all his doubts about their relationship and was happier than ever. "How was the job?"

Juvias smile widened as she wrapped her arm around her beloved Gray and told him all about her trip. Gray kept a close ear to make sure he was getting all the details as he lead them back to his apartment.

"And then Wendy performed some dragon slayer magic and Juvia finished them off with her water lock!"

"That's my girl." Gray received a kiss on the cheek as he opened his door and helped her inside. "I'll go get us some drinks, you're probably really tired."

"Juvias just a little sore but nothing she can't handle."

He walked into the kitchen and brought out two wine glasses and filled them half way with a delicious wine he had found in town earlier this week.

"Hey I was thinking maybe we should-." Gray stopped in his tracks as a smirk rose to his face. Juvia has definitely caught his stripping habit and was in the process of removing her long dress.

Juvia turned back to him and smiled. Reaching towards him, she took the wine glass and brought it to her lips. "Maybe we should what dear?" Her voice was light and airy and if Gray wasn't in complete shock, he would have dipped her on the couch.

His eyes fell to her stomach. Her creamy skin was marked with the color of dark purple and blue. Anger and pain fled through him as he locked eyes with his girlfriend.

"Are those-? Are those bruises?" He asked and Juvia could see the worries in his face.

"Just a few but nothing serious." She shrugged and tried to make him forget about the bruised skin on her stomach by placing a kiss on his neck than his cheek. "Juvia missed you a lot."

"Juvia-you, you can't be harmed by physical attacks."

"Gray-sama, Juvia is fine. The wizard we faced had the ability to control steam, Juvias only physical weakness." Her explanation didn't seem to calm him down. She let out a sigh and grabbed his hand and placed it on the small black and blue area. "See? I'm okay."

"Now tell me what you were going to say?" She batted her eyes lashes.

"Juvia are you sure that you are alright?"

"Juvia is perfectly fine, please do not worry."

"Okay but Juv-"

"Gray just drop it!" She raised her voice and set the wine glass down on the table. Frustrated, she ran a hand through her hair. "Juvia just got back and all she wanted to do was have some peace and quiet with her boyfriend but the stupid bruises are more important huh?"

Gray stood shocked at her outburst. She had very rarely yelled at anything let alone him but she was practically fuming.

"I didn't mean to make you upset babe. It's just you know how I hate seeing you hurt. I know you are's just hard."

Taking a deep breath Juvia nodded. "Juvia just didn't want to worry her love. When it happened, I was scared. Scared that I finally found someone who could weaken me or have a chance."

He nodded and hugged her close. "Why didn't you have Wendy heal you?" He asked.

He pulled back and saw her eyes start to water. "S-She couldn't."


"When Wendy tried, nothing happened. She thinks they have to heal on their own."

Grays eyes traced the bruisers again, then to the scar that sat above her hip. Seeing anyone else with physical wounds hurt him but with Juvia, it hit differently.

She saw him staring at her scar. It was a remind of the battle they had faces together. Slowly she touch his cheek and kissed him softly.

"Some scars are worth having." She whispered.


Also don't forget to come and join the party on tumblr! You can come and see all the new fics fresh and chat with me and other gruvia fans!!

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