Silver Shorelines

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Some cute and fluffy Gruvia.



"No peaking Gray-sama!" Juvia giggled as she lead Gray down a sandy path way.

"God Juv you're killing me." He chuckled but promised to not remove the dark blindfold she put on him almost an hour ago. "Are we there yet?" He asked but he felt them stop their walking and he almost crashed into her.

Another giggle came from her lips as she stood on her toes and undid the piece of cloth.

"Ta-da!" She smiled and he opened his eyes to the view of the ocean.

On the ground was a blanket and a basket. Small candles circled their area and not another person was in sight.

"Wow." He was taken back. "This is really something."

"Juvia knows how much you enjoy private dates, so she thought this would be perfect."

"It perfect alright." He smiled and pulled her close to kiss her blushing cheek. "Thank you."

She guided him to the blanket and the shoreline shifted quietly on the sand as they sat. She opened the basket and pulled out chocolate covered strawberries, champagne and her famous chocolate cake. There was also a container of fruit just in case the sugar became a little too much for them.

They sat and relaxed. Shoulders pressed against each other as they fed one another a piece of fruit and Gray kisses the frosting off of lips. He brought her hand to his lips and planted a kiss there before whispering how much he loved her in her ear.

"Gray." She whispered and it was quite rare for her to use his simple name. "I want to ask you something."


He could tell that her demeanor had shifted dramatically as she was now tense and nervous. She leaned to the basket and pulled something out.

"Gray, I love you." She said and he gave her a soft smile before saying it back.

"I love you so much that it almost hurts. I spent countless years stuck in the rain but you." She grabbed his hand. "You made it all worth while. I have never smiled this much or felt this warm and not only had I found a new family to call home, but I found my person."

Gray was used to her confessions but this. This felt new and warm. It rugged at his chest more than the others and made him realize just how in love he was with her.

"And I never thought that I could be happy, that I could wake up and have a reason to feel joy and love. But I also was taught how much pain destroys you when you're alone and ever since our first battle- the pain has become numb and I don't have to fight in the dark by myself. So"

She took a deep breath and revealed the item from behind her. "Gray Fullbuster, will you do me the honors and marry me?" Her fingers traced over the golden clasp of the book and revealed two rings.

They were both silver and the one for her had a small diamond.

"Juvia I-"

"Juvia knows this is unusual for the lady to ask for marriage but Gray can tell everyone that he proposed, or if you would like to decline and propose to Juvia then that-"

"Yes." He said.

Her eyes widened and small gasp escaped her lips. "W-what?"

"Yes Juvia I'll marry you." He took the ring from the box and slipped it on. "I love you so much and I don't care if anyone knows you proposed, just shows how bad ass you are." His smiled never stopped stretching as he looked her in the eyes and tried to help her with the tears coming down her face.

"Gray-sama really means it?" He nodded and kissed her softly.

"I would marry you a thousand times over."

They shared another kiss as Gray took her hand and slipped on her own ring. The sunset danced across the horizon as the pair of newly engaged lovers enjoyed their moment before the guild erupted in excitement.


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