The Legend Of The Lake

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Its time for another update! Thank you all for reading and commenting! I have a bunch to post to get caught up with Tumblr (where I post all of my stuff) 

Hope you enjoy! 


"What's wrong Gray?" Ur asked as she found the young boy sitting outside in the bitter cold.

She looked up at the sky and saw the fridge air and stars dancing up above.

"Can't sleep huh?" She looked down where he was pouting.

He gave her no response and shuffled his boots further into the thick snow. It's was freezing but it kept him awake and soon he had grown numb to the cold.

She took a spot next to him and returned her eyes to the sky. "Me either."

Gray let out a sigh and watched as his own breath turned to a murky cold cloud, his eyes were heavy but he couldn't seem to keep them shut.

"Why don't I tell you a story?" She asked and although there was no verbal reply, he gave her a nod before being pulled closer to her side.

Ur thought for a moment before looking out at the lake. A soft smile appeared on her lips.

"This is the story of the water goddess." She started and Gray wasn't too interested but kept listening.

"One foggy day, deep in the heart of an enchanted kingdom, there lived a man and woman. They loved each other very much and wished that they could have a child, but no matter what they did, they couldn't."

"Ew children."

"You're telling me." Ur huffed and Gray pouted. "I'm teasing kid."

"Just continue."

"Ha, alright."

"Hm. So the man and woman traveled for days to a lake, one to say possessed magical powers, one that even are magic couldn't even freeze."

"I bet I could freeze it."

"This lake is special."

"I could."

"You can't."

"You could."

"I can't Gray."

"But you-"

"Anyways-" she paused. "A storm had traveled over them and as it rained down for what seemed like an eternity, they prayed for a child to be born. The elements above granted their prayer and by the following spring, a baby girl was in the arms of her new parents. Since her body was granted by the rain, it was made purely of water yet held a human form."

"This baby possessed a different kind of magic, one that didn't need to be taught, but born within. As she was raised, water became her freind. She feared nothing as she danced side by side with the elements and learned how to harness her natural powers."

"She was so powerful that by the time she was big enough to speak, she could lock anyone in a bubble of magic and hold them captive. Some have even clamined she's locked a hundred men before."

"Sounds like she's a bad guy instead." Gray added.

"Not so fast. The water goddess grew up and her own village marveled at her. But one night it was stolen from her. Scared and alone she did what needed to be done and used her powers to help her survive. Her heart was pure as the waves of the sea but when angered, her powers courses like an unimaginable storm. From that day, anger was the only emotion to consume her."

Gray let out a yawn and tried to keep his eyes open. "What's next?" He asked but was picked up and taken inside.

"I'm not sure. The legend isn't complete yet. Maybe one day you'll find her and learn. Just don't get lock under her spell." Ur laughed and tapped his nose before tucking him into bed.

In the next bed Lyon stirred away. "No way I'm going to meet her first."

"No you're not!" Gray retorted.

"All right you two, go to bed." Ur sighed and closed their bedroom door.

"Watch me find her Gray!"

Gray turned on his side and pulled his covers over his head. "She's not even real so it doesn't matter, just go to bed."


His body froze in place. Sweat dripped from his brow as he wiped off the dirt caked into his skin. His eyes were shot wide open as he marveled at the scene before him.

Standing with her arms out wide and a determine look plastered on her face was Juvia. Her breathing was heavy and she let out a few short breaths are her magic worked.

A hundred or more people surrounded them, yet they were all captives inside of her water.

"WATER LOCK." She had yelled and the room was soon underwater with Gray and Juvia standing in the middle.

He watched at it had happened. The memory of the water goddess flooding back to him. She was breathtaking. Her anger had fueled her use this amount of power and they were winning now.

"Gray-sama!" She called and he shook himself from the daze before freezing the water around them. She finally put her arms down and watched as his magic molded with hers and kept all the dark wizards inside.

It was fancsinating to watch. Never before had she seen an ice wizard freeze her own powers. She looked back at Gray and smiled as she realized that he had been the only one to do so.

"Looks like we got this one." She said and he nodded before they headed to claim their reward.

They enetered the hotel they were staying at after collecting their money and putting those dark wizards into the custody they belonged in.

Juvia stepped into the bathroom to take a shower and Gray found himself leaning on the outside balcony, his eyes floating up to look at the night sky.

"Ya know Ur, I found out how that story ended." He let out a small laugh. "It ends happily for the both of us."

"You were right about her being strong and she can in fact water lock hundreds of people. But I'm kinda mad that you left out one detail."

He turned back and saw her through the glass doors. She was now in her pajamas and brushing out her hair before turning and meeting his eyes and smiling lightly.

"You didn't tell me that she would be the most gorgeous woman I have ever met."

The door opened and Juvia stepped out.

"Gray-sama? Are you coming to bed?" She asked.

His smile widen as he took her hand and pulled her close. His lips found hers instantly and she wasted no time in kissing him back.

"Oh." She said in a dazed way as a smirk crept onto her face, followed by a blush.

"Right behind you." He winked.


Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now