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Gruvia Week Day 2!

Prompt: Surprise! 

This was cute to write and gave me all the feels. Enjoy!


"I'm so sorry Ms. Loxar, but children won't be a possibility for you in the future." Those words rang in her head everyday since that moment when she was 16. At first she didn't mind. She was a Phantom Lord wizard who had more on her mind then finding love, let alone children, but since the day she met her love, those words broken her heart.

And now more than ever, she begged for the hope to give her and her husband a family. She always dreamed about watching her children grow up and play in the yard while she baked cookies. Teach them water magic while Gray would show his ice maker to them and bring them on their first quest. She dreamed of it all. All of her fantasies, falling in love, marrying the man of her dreams, they had all happened, yet this one thing, she wouldn't have.

Her eyes began to tear up at the thought of their conversation. Gray had kissed her passionately and brought up the start of a family and her blood ran cold.

"Juvia can't." She had whispered, shame filling her heart as her head hung low. Yet he kissed her again. Told her that not having children wouldn't make him love her any less. That a child, would be amazing, but isn't needed in order for them to have a family.

Gray was sad, broken to be exact when he knew how hard it must of been for his wife, because after all the darkness she had been through, she deserve the light of child more than any one. They both had a vision of raising their kid, one who would never know the loneliness wither had faced and would have a family in the guild who loved them unconditionally.

They had tried again and again but came to terms that their family would be two. And that was okay because they loved all the other children in the guild like their own. Aunt Juvia and Uncle Gray were happy playing with their nieces and nephews and babysitting them, for now that was enough.

Juvia gasped at the sight before her. She couldn't believe it, no it seems unreal. That she was dreaming but she wasn't. This was the moment she waited for and after so many failed attempts and even a miscarriage, it seemed impossible for it to happen.

"G-gray!" She yelled and he walked into the bathroom where she was sitting on the edge of the tub, his pants hung loosely around his waist.

"Hmmm?" He hummed and got closer to her, taking the item out of her hand, his eyes widened. He looked back at her and she shook her head softly.

"But you said-"

"Juvia knows"

"But the doctor-"

"Surprise." She smiled.

He stared at the pregnancy test. One he never thought he would hold. The dash of the lines made him gasp as he dropped the stick and rushed to her side, pulling her into a clutching hug.

"Juvia." He felt the tears start in his eyes and the blue ones he adored looked back at him and a smile was forming on her glowing face. "You did it." He whispered.

Her soft lips met his and a new emotion neither could describe overtook them. He lift her and spun her around the bathroom cheering as she giggled and kissed him fiercely again and again. Their tears mixing together as her feet softly came to the ground.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He said in disbelief. He looked back at Juvia and couldn't stop planting kisses all over her face. "And you are going to be the most amazing mother the world has ever seen."

"Juvia?" he said as he noticed she hadn't said anything yet. "Are you not happy?" But he knew it was far from the truth.

She shook her head and took his hands in hers. "Juvia is happier than you know. Juvia was told that this wouldn't be a possibility but now she is able to do the one thing she has wanted ever since she met you. We get to have a family Gray, we get to have a child that will have the love we never got. Juvia couldn't be more happier, thank you." She stood on her toes and pressed a deep kiss to his lips. "Juvia loves you so much."

Grabbing her waist, he picked her up and sat her on the bed. Going to his knees he kissed her stomach softly and looked back into her eyes.

"I love you so much." He whispered.

The next few months held bliss and love as they welcomed the new little Fullbuster into the world. the little boy was a surprise to everyone but was the greatest gift Juvia and Gray had ever made. 

Of Water and Ice: A Collection of Gruvia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now