Go Get Your Happiness

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Some Graylu Brotp action. Enjoy!


He watched the fire dance around as it burned to its core. Everyone else had gone to sleep but the thoughts running in his head kept Gray awake and afraid. The bags under his eyes had darkened over the past few weeks and his emotional baggage was becoming to much to handle.

"Gray?" Came a soft voice and he sighed as the celestial mage took a seat on the opposing log. "Are you alright?" Concern was displayed on Lucy's face.

"Can't sleep." Which was the truth but Lucy knew there was more to it but she decided to play along.

"Ah. Me too."

They sat in silence and watched the fire burn down to its embers, the warm air was welcoming but Lucy could see his head spinning, almost tourmenting him.

"Gray? Can I ask you something?" This sparked his attention and he picked his head up to meet her eyes.

"Sure ask away." He shrugged.

She looked puzzled as if trying to come up with the best way to say it. "Juvia. Do you miss her? And don't say you miss everyone because I saw the way you looked at the poster she was on back at that town we were in. You can be honest, I won't tell."

His eyes widened at the forward question. To be honest, no one had ever asked about Juvia in such a serious way. Most of it were jokes and teasing but he felt different now.


"I get it." She held her hand up. "It's hard coming to term with your feelings." She spoke and her eyes had drifted past Gray and he knew she was looking at the tent of a certain someone. "Believe me I know."

Gray paused and knew she was coming from a good place. He kept himself in this ice armor and rarely did he show any emotional vulnerability, every time he did, someone close to him died. He wanted to brush it off and tell Lucy that he was fine but the pain in his chest was becoming unbearable, so he broke.

"I can't- I can't give her an answer yet."

"Why not? You two are very close and I know that you feel towards her."

"I'm not the man I need to be yet." His fist cleanched at his sides as he spoke his truth.

"Gray, you're good enough for Juvia."

"I'm not the man she needs, not yet. I need to be able to protect her." He said determined.

The reaction from Lucy was not what he thought. She let out a small giggle.

"Protect her? From what? Juvia is one of the strongest mages, shes practically unstoppable." She sighed. "Gray the only way you can truly protect her, is loving her fully. Showing her that you care is what is going to save her. She comes from a guild that didn't show her love yet she could manage on her own. She doesn't need just some guy to save her but an equal and someone who is there to make her dark skies blue again."

"I know she can save herself but,"

"But what?" Lucy asked.

Grays eyes softened and he looked defeated. He stood and walked towards the edge of the fire pit where he mumbled something quietly.

"What?" Lucy said as she couldn't hear him.

He turned with tears in his eyes. "AND WHAT IF SHE DIES?" He said louder than intended. "What if- the one person I love dies too?" His voiced dropped.


"Lucy, I-I can't lose her." He said and grabbed her shoulders. "I can't live with another loss. I'm not strong enough. I have to be able to protect her so we can have a future."

Lucy's eyes trailed his face. She had seen him upset but never a mess like this. Eyes red and face puffy from the sobs escaping. She felt his pain and realized just how scared he was to love her. She pulled him in for a hug.

"Gray you can't let the fear of losing her stop you. You need to love her as much a possible, love like everyday is your last, because if you don't, you might lose her sooner than you want."

He sodded and she felt her pj top getting swamped with tears. He pulled away and nodded.

"I know but-"

"You're good enough, don't let anything stop you. You both have lived long enough with pain and sorrow, let this be the moment for happiness:"

He sat silently, processing her words. "I love her so much Lucy."

"I know Gray, but I'm not the one who needs to hear it."


The next morning Lucy woke to a note plastered to her tent.

"Going to get my happiness, Thanks Lucy."

"Good for you Gray" She whispered. Her eyes fell to the last line on the page.

"P.s. just bang Natsu already, the tension was suffocating."

Her cheeks reddened and she turned her head to see Natsu and Happy fighting over a fish.

"If only you knew."

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