"Hmm, okay you can put it back in now" he smiled at her.

"Do you not like it out?"

"No I do, but I prefer kissing you with it on."

She laughed and went to the mirror before putting it back in with somewhat of a struggle.

"I have plans for tonight, so let's rest up okay?"

Blake nodded and they both ended up taking a nap.


The two woke up at around dinner time.

The small group of teens had hamburgers and sat around on the little deck talking and drinking beer Ethan's brother had gotten them for their week trip.

They all went on their own again and Blake and Jace had packed a little bag to stay at the beach. Since it was Ethan's beach house there was only two other beach houses but they were spaced out so it was technically a private beach for them for this section of the beach.

Blake and Jace had watched the sunset, Blake capturing it on her camera as they sat on an old blanket Ethan had folded up in a corner of the living room.

When the sun had finally set and it began becoming dark they stayed in the same place in silence, enjoying each other's company.

The wind blew softly, making Jace hold onto Blake a little tighter as they watched the small waves crash up on the sand due to the low tide. The only sound that was heard was of people talking in the distance and the waves crashing.

"Let's go skinny dipping" Jace suggested softly.

"Are you serious? Your friends are up in that house" Blake said as she pointed towards the beach house.

"They are drinking they don't even know we are down here. Just for a bit, I've never gone and I would love for you to come with me" Jace said with a little smile.

"Fine but if something pinches my toes I'm killing you myself."

"Deal" Jace beamed.

They moved their stuff closer to the water and Blake made sure that her towel was ready for when she came out and was freezing.

She stripped down into her bra and underwear as Jace stood smiling at her with just his boxers on.

They both stripped down until they were bare and they rushed into the water just in case anyone could see them. Although it was dark and the only light that was shining on them was from the half moon; the outline of them was noticeable.

"Holy fuck it's way colder at night" Blake grumbled.

Jace didn't mind the cold and ducked himself under before popping back up and smiling at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Duck me under and I swear to god I will kill you. You know how I'm scared of being yanked under" she warned.

"I know and I won't, I promise" he said softly.

He hugged her to him, him feeling the goosebumps on her exposed body as she stared at the lighthouse in the far distance as the light spun around.

Jace walked further, pulling Blake along until it was up to her shoulders. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jace's waist and biting her lips at what was poking her.

"I've never done it in the ocean before" he whispered in her ear as he walked a little bit deeper.

"Jace we are not doing it here" she laughed as she saw his eyes twinkle.

"Why not?" he asked her as he trailed his fingers on her area only for her to give him a look as she shivered.

"You know why Jace."

He hummed and rubbed a little more making Blake bite her lip.

"It could be our only opportunity" Jace whispered.

"Your friends are up there" she whispered back.

"They won't hear us and if they do who cares?"

He rubbed her more and he smiled at the little moan that escaped her lips.

"No, I could get like diseases and shit" she mumbled.

"Fine" he mumbled.

They stayed there for a while, Jace holding Blake up as they floated in the calm, silent

"Hmm, want to head back?" he asked in her ear.

"Let's wait a few minutes" she said softly.

The two stared at the stars for a bit longer before Blake decided her body had enough cold, salt water on it.

"Okay let's go."

They went back to shore and Blake wrapped a towel around her cold body almost immediately. She dried off and slipped her clothes back on, Jace following her lead.


Blake looked at him as she picked up her camera.

"I love you."

She smiled up at him and gave him a hug, she was freezing.

"Can we go to bed again?"

Jace laughed and led her up to the beach house. They ignored his friends that were still wide awake around the fire and went to bed.

The Girl with the Purple HairOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz