Chapter 79

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"It's my first game, I would love for you to be on the sidelines."

"I don't like crowds of people, especially from our school" Blake grumbled.

"I know but I want you to cheer me on."

"That's what the cheerleaders are for."


"What? I'm sure Taylor will be cheering you on."

"I really want you to come" he said softly.

She sighed and rubbed her tired eyes.

"What time does it start?"

"Six thirty."

"I'm going home to take a nap first but I'll be there."

"Really?" he asked excitedly.


He kissed her happily and Tony yelled at him to come on from down the hall.

"I won't be able to greet you before the game but just sit somewhere I'll be able to see you from the field."

"Pretty sure I'll be one of the only person with purple hair."


"Now go."

He kissed her one more time before running off down the hall.


Blake maneuvered her way through the slightly less crowded crowd. They would usually let more people join but just the people who go to the school and some family of the players were able to go due to corona. It wasn't as bad in this state at the moment but they were still taking precautions.

She sat down on the cold metal bleachers and Jace waved at her from the field. She gave a little head nod making him smile at her.

When the game started she wasn't really that interested. She took some pictures with her camera she brought but that was the only thing keeping her occupied.

Blake never understood why people came to football games. She knew that most of the people here had really no idea what was happening, it wasn't that hard to know that due to the fact most of the bleachers were filled with people not even paying attention.

Who would willingly come to these games and just talk? Blake would so much rather be in her nice warm bed with Sparrow as she read a book.

After the longest hour and forty five minutes of her life, they lost by a couple of points. Which she wasn't quite surprised about seeing as she thought they weren't that good. This was all the hype that everyone was talking about? Rather lame in her opinion.

She waited by her car for Jace to finish in the locker room, not wanting to be surrounded by people who didn't like her and she did not like. There was really no point.

"How'd I do?" Jace asked her after about ten minutes.

He was carrying his bag and his hair was wet from the shower.


She gave him a kiss and they got in her car.

"I'm so tired and hungry" he grumbled, he was frustrated they lost their first game.

"Want me to get you some food?"


She bought him some McDonald's and parked outside his house.

"We aren't cuddling tonight?" he asked with a slight frown.

"Not tonight, I have things to do tomorrow."

The Girl with the Purple HairWhere stories live. Discover now