Chapter Six

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A loud knock on the door awoke me from my sleep, I slowly opened my eyes to see the light seeping in through the curtains, before quickly screwing my eyes shut again.

Another knock on the door made me open my eyes, but this time, keep them open. I looked across to the other side of my bed and couldn't help but groan when I realised who was snoring naked next to me.

Liam fucking Gallagher.

Before I could even begin to try and piece together the night before, I heard another knock at the door.

"I'm coming" I mumbled under my breath, hastily tying my dressing gown around my body as I left my bedroom, making sure to close the door.

"Alright" I said sharply as I heard one more knock at the door. I hadn't really thought about what I was going to open the door to, or rather who, so I certainly wasn't expecting who was stood in front of me when I opened the door.

"Damon" I breathed, trying to take in what was currently in front of me. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks flushed and tear stained and he just looked completely miserable.

"Damon" I said again, this time a bit louder "What's happened?"

He opened his mouth, trying to get the words out, but before he could a fresh flood of tears came streaming out of his eyes. He shook his head gently "Can I come in?" He asked me, his voice barely above a whisper.

The thought of Liam currently asleep in my bed stopped me from instantly letting him in. The thought of Liam and Damon seeing each other petrified me, especially if Dames knew I had slept with him. However, looking at the vulnerable man currently stood on my doorstep, I knew I had no choice but to let him in.

"Of course" I said back to him, trying to keep my voice at a similar level to his.

He followed me into the lounge and sat down gingerly on the edge of the sofa. His body language was a far cry from how he normally is, especially when it was just us in my house.

"Come here" I said quietly as I sat down next to him and then pulled him into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled gently as I felt him relax into my hold. 

"What's happened?" I asked him, bringing my hand up to play gently with his hair. I heard him sigh gently before opening and then closing his mouth a few times.

"I can't do it" He said quietly, his voice cracking at the end.

"Can't do what?" I questioned, making sure I kept my hand playing with his hair. He'd never admit it, but having his hair played with was one of his favourite things.

I heard him let out an uneasy breath "This, I just can't do it anymore, I'm not good enough"

I had to bite down on my lip to try and hold back my own tears, there was just something about having Damon, who has always been so outgoing, so vulnerable that was just completely heartbreaking.

"Oh Damon" I whispered, leaning forward to place a kiss on the top of his head "That's not true, you're absolutely incredible"

I watched as she shook his head in disagreement and brought his hand up to harshly wipe away the tears in his eyes.

"We wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for you, all of blurs success is down to you. You can do anything you want to, I know you can" I told him, trying to keep my voice quiet. Not wanting to alarm Damon or wake Liam up.

He broke into another fit of tears, and I just stayed quiet, holding him against my chest and gently playing with his hair.

I'm not too sure how long we were laying on the sofa for, but it was long enough for Damon to fall asleep and for me to feel myself drifting off. I knew I had to get Liam out of my flat, I couldn't kick Damon out in the state he was in, so Liam was the only option.

"I'm just going to go and grab a blanket for you" I whispered to Damon, placing a gentle kiss on top of his head and then trying to wriggle out from underneath him. He didn't even stir, he really was completely exhausted.

I walked into the bathroom to quickly wash my face, brush my teeth and tie my hair back so that I looked a bit more presentable for Liam.

I quickly glanced at the clock as I headed into my bedroom. 1:48pm. I laughed at how we had managed to sleep the morning away, it must have been a late night.

I stood at the foot of my bed staring at Liam, I'd never done this before and I suddenly felt very unaware of how I was meant to get Liam out.

"Liam" I whispered, taking a unsure few steps so that I was now stood next to him. I reached forward and gently shook his shoulder.

"Liam" I repeated, this time loud enough to wake him up. He took a deep breath and then slowly opened his eyes, giving me a sleepy smile once he saw me.

"Mornin" He mumbled mid-yawn, I sat down next to his legs on the edge of the bed.

"Afternoon" I said with a laugh, before quickly biting my lip "I'm really sorry for waking you up but I've got an interview this afternoon"

"Are you making me do the walk of shame?" He asked me, a confident laugh coating his words. I nervously laughed as I brought my hand up to my face to move the stray bit of hair that had fallen out of my pony tail.

"I'm afraid so" I told him, letting out a laugh which definitely didn't sound as confident as his "NME want a photo and an interview"

"NME are cunts" He mumbled, as he swung his legs out of the bed and started piecing together his outfit from the floor.

"You're just bitter that parklife beat definitely maybe" I told him with a laugh, he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

"Am I fuck, anyone with a fucking brain cell knows there's no competition there" He told me, I couldn't help but laugh. His dedication to the band was admirable, that's for sure.

I watched as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, then thrust it towards me. I looked at the crumpled piece of paper and hesitated to open it.

"Look, I think you're alright and I had laugh with you last night, especially for a fucking southerner shite" he told me, his accent thick in his words. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at him "There's my number, give us a shout at some point, yeah?"

I couldn't help the blush which appeared on my cheeks, as I put the piece of paper into my dressing gown pocket.

I gave him a quick kiss, much to his surprise, and then led him out of my flat. I kept him talking so that he stayed looking at me as he left.

Closing the door after him I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, I had gotten away with it. I, Eliza Green, had shagged Liam Gallagher and gotten away with it.

"Who was that?" I heard Damon's voice ask from behind me


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