Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Lyla" Damon shouted in a sing song voice, his footsteps becoming louder and heavier as he ran after me.

Today had been our easiest day, only two interviews and a show, so now we were all back at the hotel we had an abundance of energy to get rid of. Which had only been made worse by the copious amounts of alcohol we had all drunk.

It didn't take long for Damon to catch up with he, he was a far faster runner than I would ever be, he wrapped his arms and legs around me as he jumped onto my back.

"Damon!" I exclaimed with a laugh, as I lent forward on the wall to try and keep myself upright. "Get off!" I shouted as I shook my body to try and get him to fall off, this just caused him to tighten his grip around me.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes with a laugh, knowing I'd have to get him forcefully removed by one of the other boys.

"Come on, I'll drop you off to your room" I informed him as I started taking a few, unsteady, steps. The alcohol in my system  was already affecting my ability to walk straight, let alone having Damon's entire body weight on my back too.

"Noooo" He whined, right in my ear, causing me to flinch "Don't make me do it, Gra snores!"

"Damon" I warned, stopping walking and turning my head so I was facing him as much as possible "That's a complete lie, you're the snorer!"

"Okay, well you've got to come with me" He told me, I hadn't realised how drunk he actually was when we left the venue earlier. I shook my head at his request, no way was I sleeping in between him and Graham.

"I'm not letting go" He exclaimed, tightening his grip on me further, I'm pretty sure his fingers would leave marks, they were digging in so much.

"Damon" I said with a sigh, the novelty had definitely worn off now and I just wanted to go to sleep "I'm tired, I really want to go to bed"

He stayed silent as I kept on walking down, what felt like, a never ending corridor. Damon seemed to almost feel heavier, I'm not sure if that meant he had fallen asleep or if I was just growing weaker.

"STOP!" He suddenly shouted loudly, causing me to jump in surprise. He clearly wasn't asleep.

"There's your room, we'll go in there" He told me, his voice was a lot calmer and slower now which told me he was starting to become tired.

"I'll go in there" I told him with a laugh, managing to finally get him off of my back "You'll go to your room" I informed him with a raised eyebrow.

He pouted his lips and looked at me through wide eyes, fluttering his eyelashes as he did so.

"No Lyla, let me stay with you" He whined, I didn't have it in me to argue back with him and to be honest, I didn't really want to. I couldn't remember the last time Damon and I had a cuddle.

"Come on then" I said with a sigh as I opened my door, letting him follow me in. He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, as way of saying thank you, before going into the bathroom.

I quickly got changed and into bed before Damon, and his wandering eyes, came out of the bathroom. It wasn't long before he walked out in his boxers, his hair ruffled from where'd he'd ran his hands through it, my breath caught slightly in the back of my throat. It had been far too long since I'd seen Damon like that and, to be perfectly honest, I'd missed it.

"You're staring" He said with a laugh as he climbed into bed next to me, I shook my head in disagreement, though I think the blush on my cheeks said otherwise.

I let Damon wrap his arms around me and pull me into his chest, the feeling of his hot breath hitting the back of my neck combined with his bare chest pressing against me caused the heat to rise in my cheeks once again.

I was happy with Liam, more than happy, but there was something about Damon that I just couldn't shake off, no matter how hard I tried or how many times I told myself Damon and I just weren't meant to be.

The feeling of Damon's lips gently placing a kiss onto my neck drew me out of my thoughts. I froze, surely that was an accident, he must have just been moving in his sleep. There was no way he'd deliberately kiss me, especially after how long we'd managed to stay away from each other. Then I felt another kiss and another, and then another, far too many for it to be accidental.

"Damon" I breathed quietly, I'm not sure what I was trying to achieve, I wasn't sure I actually wanted him to stop and judging by his smile I could feel pressed against my neck, he wasn't planning on stopping.

I took a deep breath before rolling over and forcefully pressing his lips against mine. He pulled me on top of him, his hands taking grip of the hem of my top, before pulling it over my head. As soon as it was off, I reattached my lips to his, letting his hands roam desperately over my body.

It was like Liam said, what happened on tour, stays on tour.


This was short but I promise you there is drama happening in the next chapter, I got really carried away so I had to make this a short chapter otherwise it would be one really long chapter and nobody wants that😂

What a shocker that Damon and Eliza ended up sleeping together again, absolutely not predictable whatsoever😅

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