Chapter Five

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I felt like I could feel the music in my head, the deep bass pounding in my skull. I focused my eyes on what was in front of me, there were people everywhere, but I didn't recognise anyone. I let my body sway in time with the music as I looked around the dance floor, trying to land my eyes upon someone I knew.

"Eliza!" I heard someone exclaim, I turned around to try and see who called me. The strobe lights shone in my eyes, making my head spin and my vision go double. Nevertheless, I carried on walking towards the person who called my name, I had to pull my feet from the sticky floor with every step I took.

"Fucking hell, what's happened to you?" That same voice asked, I looked up and couldn't help the dopey smile which came over my face. Liam. The closer I got to him, the more my vision cleared, until I could see him perfectly.

"Want a drink?" I asked him, hoping my words didn't slur as much as they sounded like they did. He just laughed at me, cocking an eyebrow but following my lead to the bar anyway.

"Could I get two drinks please" I asked the bartender once we had reached the equally as sticky bar. "You need to know what drinks were having, don't you?!" I said in sudden realisation, before erupting into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, okay" I laughed once more, before taking a deep breath and trying to control myself "Okay, we'll have two" I turned to face Liam, who still had the same bemused look on his face.

"What do you drink?" I asked him, a few more giggles escaping my lips. He went to open his mouth to answer my question, but I quickly threw my hand over his open mouth, stopping him from responding. "No!" I exclaimed "Don't tell me" I told him before removing my hand.

"You sing that gin song, so we'll have that" I told Liam confidently, before spinning around to face the now incredibly fed up bar man. Spinning around had made me realise how grateful I was to have Liam's hand on the base of my back, keeping me upright.

"He sung that song about gin so we'll have two gin and tonics please" I told the barman, before giving him a huge smile. He ignored my smile and turned away to make our drinks.

"I need to be myself" I sung loudly dancing in time with the music, only I could hear. "I'm feeeeeling" I carried on, before stopping abruptly and looking up to Liam.

"What's the next bit?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowed as I tried to remember. "I know what it is" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air before he could answer.

I restarted my dancing and hummed the beginning of the song, until I got to the part I had forgotten. "I'm feeling gin and tonic" I sung loudly, before erupting into another fit of giggles. This time though, I could hear Liam laughing alongside me. I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"Close enough babe" He told me, I gave him a huge smile, that was good enough for me.

I looked back over at the barman, before realising he had two drinks on the bar in front of him. I grabbed a £10 note from my pocket, before thrusting it at him and taking the two drinks.

"Keep the change" I mumbled before turning around and giving Liam his drink.

"I could have got these, you know?" He told me, taking a sip from his drink.

I shrugged my shoulders in response "It's fine, I probably have more money than you anyway" I told him before absentmindedly taking a sip from my drink, only to stop when I felt a cold wetness seep through my top. I looked down and saw that I had completely missed my mouth and had instead poured half my drink down my top.

"Oh" I mumbled, before bursting into giggles. I was so preoccupied that I hadn't realised Liam had sat me down in a booth.

"Charming what you said about having more fucking money than me" He told me, a smirk on his lips. I started laughing again, shaking my head vigorously.

"It's just cause, I've released, I've released erm" I paused, looking down on my fingers to count, before turning to Liam

"How many albums have I released?" I asked him, he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Fucked if I know"

"Okay, well I think it's four" I told him, counting out four fingers and then nodding my head "So I've released four albums and you've only two, so that means I've probably got more money than you"

He just laughed in response, shaking his head, yet keeping a huge grin on his face. I reached forward for my drink and then, more carefully this time, took a large gulp from it before placing it back down on the table.

"I thought you fucking didn't like tonic?" Liam asked me, his eyebrow raised quizzically.

I just laughed at him, reaching toward to place my hands on each side of his face.

"I fucking love tonic me" I told him, before leaning forward and crashing my lips against his.

Is anyone actually enjoying this story lol

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