Chapter Nineteen

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"T-O-P-M-A" I managed to sing before bursting into a fit of giggles again, much to Damon's dismay.

"Eliza, you're driving me up the fucking wall" He groaned, we'd been trying to record the group vocals for a good half an hour now, but I just could not finish it without laughing, which meant that every time I laughed, everyone had to stop and start again.

"I'm really sorry, I just can't help it" I said once the laughter had gone, fanning my now red face with my hand.

"Okay, let's go again" Damon shouted through to the producer, making the music start up in the booth again.

"T-O-P-M-A-N" I managed to get out, biting down on my lip to try and contain my laughter. Laughter which all came flowing out once I made eye contact with Graham.

"For fucks sake Eliza" Damon growled, sighing before running his hands through his hair, as bad as it was, him getting annoyed at me just made it all the funnier.

"It was his fault!" I exclaimed, accusingly pointing my finger at Graham, who just shook his head, but carried on laughing.

"I'm gonna go take a breather" I said in between my laughter, shaking my head as I walked out of the recording booth and out into the studio.

I'm not sure what had gotten into me, yes I was always the one most prone to getting the giggles, but it was never normally this bad. Perhaps it was the concoction of alcohol and cocaine flowing through my veins and that teamed with the lack of food I had consumed today was probably not helping either.

We had been cooped up in our studio for the best part of a month now, we think we've finally decided on all of the songs, but honestly, that changes daily. I looked up to see the boys coming out to join me, Damon still looking annoyed whilst Graham had a rather flustered look going on.

"Okay guys" Our manager said, making us all look up at him "We've decided that the first single will be country house"


I looked across to Damon, then to Graham, over to Dave and finally to Alex, they all had the most perplexed looks on their faces.

"Really?" I asked him, breaking the now rather awkward silence.

He nodded eagerly in response, rubbing his hands together as he grinned.

"You're fucking joking, right?" Damon asked sharply, glaring across at him.

"Of all the songs on the album, you choose that one?" I quizzed, puffing out my cheeks and raising my eyebrows.

"It was meant to be a fucking joke song, no way is it going first on the track order" Damon exclaimed, you could tell that he was just going to slowly grow more and more frustrated about this.

"Yes well we think it'll make a really good single" He carried on, seeming unperturbed by mine and Damon's responses and the rest of the band's silence.

"Well we fucking don't" Graham piped up, causing me to laugh. A laugh which was quickly killed by Damon's glare at me.

"And, that's not even the best bit" He exclaimed, mouth still presented in a wide grin. I looked over at him and pulled a face, surely there couldn't be anything else?

"Damien Hirst will be directing the video for it!" I couldn't help the sigh that came out of my mouth at his words as I furiously shook my head.

"No way" I exclaimed, the heat in my face starting to rise "No fucking way, the guys a fucking weirdo"

"Well I quite like the guy" Alex said cheerfully, seemingly the only one happy by this news, I placed my hands over my head as I shook it.

"Oh fuck off Alex" I growled at him, causing him to snicker beside me.

The taxi home was oddly silent, Damon and I sharing as always. As, when he wasn't staying at mine, he did only live a few roads up which meant that it always just made sense for us to share.

"You coming in?" I asked him as I climbed out, before quickly adding "for a cuppa".

Ever since that pap questioned our relationship we tried to be extra careful about what we said in public. I watched as he looked at me, almost weighing it up in his head before giving me a nod of his head.

"What are we gonna do Lyla?" He whined from the sofa, I sighed and shook my head as I walked in to join him, a bottle of wine and two glasses now in my hands, which were eagerly received by Damon.

"I don't know, it's hardly going to sell the album" I responded, gratefully taking the filled glass from his hand, clinking it with his before taking a large gulp.

"It's like they want us to fail" He said quietly, I looked across at him and giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Don't even get me started on Damien Hirst" I mumbled into my glass, watching a smile crack onto Damon's face out of the corner of my eye.

"Come on darling, he's not that bad" He told me with a small laugh, I shook my head and groaned.

"Damon he's a fucking psychopath" I told him, raising my eyebrows questionably. This just made Damon laugh more.

"Lyla, my sister does similar stuff and you don't think she's a psycho" He told me in a matter of fact tone, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes Damon, that's because Jess plays with fucking butterflies, she doesn't cut fucking cows in half" I exclaimed, throwing my hands down onto the sofa.

Damon was now fully laughing next to me, his mouth upturned into a large smile as he let his eyes close and the laughter flow out of his mouth. I took a deep breath and before I knew it, I was laughing alongside him, there was something contagious about his laughter.

"I was thinking of ordering a Chinese" He told me after we'd been sat in a comfortable silence once the laughter had died down.

I felt myself tense up at the mention of a takeaway, but I knew I had to agree with him, I was starving after all. Besides, I'd been really good and not eaten all day, so that surely makes a Chinese takeaway alright?

"Sounds good, you can order for me, you know that I like" I told him as I got up from his arms, reached over to place a kiss on his cheek before walking away.

"I'm just jumping in the shower" I informed him, watching as he made his way over to the landline.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit darling" He said gently, blowing me a kiss before picking up the phone.


Bit of a filler tonight, apologies for that. I just didn't want to break my daily upload streak!

But drama lies ahead, because we all know that where there's mention of country house, there's drama!!

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