Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Oh I'm bored now" I exclaimed loudly with a sigh, throwing my arms in the air as I spoke.

"Stop whining, it's only been two hours" Alex groaned next to me, I looked across to him and  pulled a face. To which he just rolled his eyes at before pulling his eye mask down and turning over so he was facing away from me. Deciding that Alex had already had enough of me, I turned to the other side of me and gave Damon a few prods, he could normally keep me entertained.

"You okay?" He asked me, pulling his eye mask up and giving me a weak smile. His tired eyes made me feel slightly guilty for waking him, but  he still had ten hours of the flight left to go back to sleep, so I quickly shrugged off any guilty feelings.

"No, can't sleep, I don't think I can do another ten hours" I told him quietly, since I woke Alex up, the lights had now been dimmed. Indicating that everyone should be asleep, so I knew I had to try my best to keep my voice down.

"Liam on your mind?" He asked gently, I quickly shook my head, before laughing slightly and nodding my head instead. I knew there was no point in lying to him, especially when he'd guessed right with his first try.

"Can't stop worrying, two months is a long time to be away" I told him with another sigh, reaching forward and taking a sip from my miniature Diet Coke the cabin crew had dropped off earlier.

"I know it's hard, but it'll honestly go so quickly, you'll be with him before you know it" He told me, pulling his arm rest up and wrapping his arm around me, bringing me closer to his chest.

"What if he finds someone better whilst he's away?" I asked quietly, focusing on the loose bit of thread I was trying to pull from Damon's blanket.

"More fool him" Damon responded gently "it's something he'll never get over, trust me" He added with a forced laugh, I screwed my eyes shut and shook my head.

"Damon" I warned quietly, he took hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I know Lyla, he'd just be silly to let you go, that's all" He sighed, as he started gently drawing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

I swallowed the nasty comment that had immediately risen when he said that, instead choosing to cuddle up to him further. I'm almost certain that being so affectionate with him would start to dig up our deep rooted feelings, but right now, I knew I wouldn't be able to get through the flight without it.

To anybody else, Damon was asleep but I could tell that he was still wide awake, even without looking at him. I decided to make the most of him being awake by asking him what had really been eating away at me all these months.

"Do you think my parents would have liked him?" I almost whispered to him, he took in a deep breath before exhaling with a small laugh.

"Honestly, they probably would have hated him at first, but anyone can see how happy you both are, so I think he would have grown on them" He told me softly, I nodded my head in agreement, though I'm not sure he would have grown on them.

"He wants me to meet his mum" I told Damon, my eyes starting to turn glassy as I spoke "But I keep on putting it off because, I don't have any parents to take him to" My voice cracked as I spoke and my tears started falling, landing onto Damon's hand which made him turn me around and pull me closer to him, so that I was now practically sitting on his lap.

"You have told him though, haven't you Lyla?" He asked, gently yet firmly, causing more tears to fall from my eyes. Liam didn't know, I think that he thought I just didn't get on with them and that's why I never spoke about them.

"Oh darling, why haven't you told him?" He asked me with a sigh, I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"I don't like bringing it up, makes me sad" I said shakily, taking a deep breath to try and control my tears.

"But how's he meant to help you when you're feeling down?" Damon asked, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world and I suppose, to a certain extent, it was.

"I'm good at putting a smile on" I told him with a small laugh, it was true, it had become worryingly good at masking my feelings. "Fake it till you make it" I said with another forced laugh and a raise of my eyebrows.

"Eliza, that's not right and you know it isn't" Damon told me sternly, I shook my head and laughed.

"And yet you do it all the time" I told him, with a raised eyebrow and tilt of my head. He opened his mouth to argue but instead closed it quickly, grunting in agreement and pulling his eye mask down instead.

I did feel slightly bad for upsetting him, he was only trying to help but I cannot stand it when he's a hypocrite towards me. He's always worried, upset or anxious and yet most people would be none the wiser if they saw him. I pulled my own eye mask down and cuddled into him, smiling as I felt him wrap his arms around me tighter, he obviously wasn't that annoyed with me.

"It's 3 o'clock in the fucking morning, have they not got anything better to do than come and see us at an airport?" Graham grumbled from beside me, his face screwed up and eyes still not fully open as he tried to remain in his sleep-like state for as long as possible.

"It's fucking mental isn't it?" I responded, we'd been to Japan quite a few times now and yet, the dedication from Japanese fans was something I still hadn't gotten used to.

I smiled for the multiple cameras which were shoved in my face and signed things as quickly as people could give them to me. All I wanted to do was get to the hotel and sleep, but I knew that even just a smile from me could make someone's day... crazy really.

I took the tour itinerary from Ivan's hand as I climbed into the people carrier behind Dave, I didn't even want to look at the itinerary, I knew we'd be rushed off of our feet. Reluctantly, I turned the sheet over as Ivan started talking us through it once the car had started moving.

It was a jam packed with constant interviews and photo shoots, if we weren't being interviewed then we were on stage or performing on a TV show. They had packed a horrendous amount into eight days and I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. We only had one day off from shows, but even that had been rammed with photo shoots. I sighed as I read through it, I loved exploring Japan but our spare time was incredibly limited.

"Make sure you all go straight to sleep, you need all the sleep you can get" Ivan shouted behind us as we all dragged our feet to our hotel rooms.

"See you in the morning" I mumbled as I unlocked my door, giving the boys a wave before shutting the door behind me and throwing myself onto my bed.

Sleep could not come quickly enough.

You seem Star Shaped. (Blur/Oasis)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz