Chapter Three

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I closed the magazine and pushed it across the table, I felt happy enough with how I came across. Though, I feel like that explained why Liam felt the need to buy my round last night... bless him.

It was nearing 4pm now, and I was starting to get a bit restless, strange really when I'd only been awake for half an hour. Since we got busier I really struggle with not doing anything, I constantly want to be out partying or just being around other people. I suppose I just get incredibly restless very quickly, I think that's why I've become so keen on coke, it gives me that surge of adrenaline and makes me feel incredibly busy, even if I'm not.

With that in mind, I headed into the bathroom to get myself showered ready for tonight, it might only be 4pm, but it's never too early to go out... right?

It felt like I had quite literally blinked and I was now in a bar, sat beside Alex having champagne poured down my throat. Well, it was actually now 7pm, and I'd met Alex about an hour ago, he said that the party was at the Groucho, so we still had a few hours to kill before we headed there.

"Did Damon stay at yours last night?" Alex asked me, his eyes peeking out from behind his fringe and looking at me inquisitively. I couldn't help the heat that rose to my cheeks as I let out a laugh and shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah he did" I told him, trying to make myself sound as nonchalant as possible, though I don't think I did a very good job.


I looked up from my glass to frown at him, not being able to help the unsure laugh that came out of my lips.

"Well I'm sure you know why" I told him, the frown still present in my furrowed eyebrows.

"No I didn't mean that, I'm not fucking stupid, I just meant why Damon? You could have any guy you want yet you always go to him? Why?"  He was staring at me intently, waiting for an answer.

I picked up my glass and took a big gulp from my drink, placing it back down with a shrug of my shoulders.

"I don't know" I told him, and that was the truth, I really didn't know "It's just Damon, you know?"

He shook his head and raised an eyebrow at me, to which I just sighed.

"It's just always been Damon, always" I told him, taking another drink from my glass.

"So you're in love with him? You might like to ignore it, but he has got a girlfriend" he told me, his voice firm yet calm, with a hint of bitterness.

"Oh god no Alex, I'm not in love with him, he's just safe and always there when I need him" I told him, trying to make it seem a lot less meaningful with a nonchalant shrug of my shoulders.

Alex just hummed, clearly not convinced with what I had said, but I was just grateful he wasn't pushing it any further. We drifted into a comfortable silence, it got like this with Alex quite often, it's not that we don't have things to say to each other, it's more that we feel comfortable not saying them.

"I'm challenging you to go home with someone different tonight" His calm voice broke the silence, I looked up from the table so that our eye line was level.


"You've got to sleep with someone new, no sneaking off to Damon tonight"

I couldn't help the scoff that came out of my mouth as my eyes narrowed to glare at him. "I do not sneak off to Damon, especially when he's not even with us!" I told him, not being able to help the whiny tone that came out of my mouth.

"Eliza, stop bullshitting, I know you a lot better than you think" he told me with a smug smile, winking at me once I made eye contact with him.


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