Chapter Forty-Three

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"Love you J, have a lovely Christmas!" I shouted from the car window, waving at a laughing Jamie before closing my window and turning to Damon.

"I'm feeling good Dames, feeling gooooood" I exclaimed to him, he laughed and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing to do with the lines we just had?" He quizzed with a laugh, I shook my head covering my mouth with my hands.

"Definitely not, I'm just happy to be spending Christmas with you" I told him, my laughter breaking through my words.

We were on our way back to Colchester to spend Christmas with Damon's family, the thought of going back to Colchester made my stomach feel a bit funny, but I knew I couldn't hide away from it forever. I was worried I was inviting myself and being a bit too forward, but Damon insisted that they couldn't wait to see me, I'm sure he was just being nice, but it certainly helped settle my nerves.

"I'm about to tell you something Lyla, and you have to promise not to freak out" He told me quietly, a cheeky glint in his eyes as his lips formed into a smirk. I shook my head, I knew exactly what that look meant.

"I'm not promising anything" I told him apprehensively, he took hold of my hands and grinned.

"I might have told my parents that we were together" He whispered, though he was quickly giggling away to himself.

"You fucker" I laughed, shaking my head "I'm not going to lie, I thought you'd ask me to be your girlfriend in a far more romantic way"

"Eliza, I love you dearly, will you be my girlfriend?" He chuckled, pulling himself together enough to pout and look up at me with wide eyes.

"Well, I don't think I have any better offers, do you?"

He had his final public appearance with Justine yesterday, he came home acting rather strange, I think the reality of officially leaving her was far harder on him than he was expecting. I knew it was only a matter of time before we would be properly together, but I certainly wasn't expecting it to be the next day. Though, we'd spent more or less every single day together for the past few months so it had felt like we were already together, just without the unnecessary label.

"This is it Lyla darling, this is the start of what we've been waiting for" He told me quietly, the smile on his face was the biggest I'd seen in a long time. Getting away from London was going to do us both the world of good.

"What did your parents say?" I asked him, my stomach immediately tightened as I asked him. I'd always thought that they liked me, but maybe they were just being nice.

"Mum was thrilled, she's always liked you" He told me, a confident smile on his face. I nodded my head, I feel like Damon and I were a good match, on paper, so at least that was something.

"Why the fuck did you let me do that coke?" I hissed at him, I'm never one to turn down a line or two, but there was a time and a place and I just wasn't sure meeting your in-laws was the right one.

"It's funny, isn't it?" He told me with a laugh and a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

"No it's fucking not" I exclaimed, fumbling around in my bag to find a small makeup mirror, I opened it up and groaned when I saw my eyes "Fucking hell Damon, we can't show up high"

"They won't know, you only had one line, you can easily hide that" He told me, I shook my head and shoved my mirror in front of his face.

"Look at that!" I exclaimed "They'll take one look at our eyes and know that we're sky high"

"Lyla love, calm down, they won't care" He laughed and shrugged his shoulders again, the fact he was so relaxed about it just made it even worse for me.

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