Chapter One

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"Are you ready to go Lyla?" My fellow band mate Graham asked me, I shook my head quickly dipping my head to snort the white powder on the table.

I screwed up my face at the familiar burn, then looked up at Graham "Now I am" I told him, giving him a grin, then standing up and walking over to the door with him.

We were heading to the 1995 nme brat awards, I throughly enjoyed going to award shows, though the others didn't as much.

"Finally" Alex exclaimed as Graham and I climbed into the car "What took you so long?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders and just laughed, instinctively wiping my nose.

"They were shagging" Damon said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes at his comment, knowing that he liked to say that to get me riled up ("I am NOT just here to shag you all, you know?")

"I'm not biting Damon, you'll have to try harder than that" I said to him with a laugh, he just grinned at me.

"Eliza was taking forever to finish her line" Graham told them, taking a swig from the bottle of beer he had brought with him, I rolled my eyes again, these boys sure do drive me mad.

"When I asked you earlier if you had any coke, you said you didn't!" Alex exclaimed, throwing his arms around to punctuate his words, I just laughed at him. 

"I didn't want to share!" I told him with a shrug of my shoulders. I looked across to Damon and saw that he had his mouth open, no doubt about to make an objection, but before he could I pulled a little bag of coke out of my pocket "But I know what you're all like and I didn't want you all whinging all night, so I brought some for you too" I told him, throwing the bag in his direction, he picked it up from his lap and grinned.

"I don't deserve you darling" He told me, giving me a big grin, I just laughed at him.

"You gotta get it done before we get there, you can't walk the red carpet with a bag of coke" I told him, watching how slowly he opened the bag, just to wind me up.

"Well we'd better do it off of your boobs then" He told me, winking once we made eye contact.

"In your dreams Albarn" I retorted with a laugh, before reaching my arm out in front of him "You can have my arm" I added through my laughter.

"Will you two stop flirting and get on with it, we're almost fucking there!" Dave exclaimed, Damon just shook his head and started to make the lines excruciatingly slow

"Damon!" I exclaimed, trying to make my voice sound stern, which just made him laugh more, though he did pick up his speed. The four of them finished their lines from my arm just in time, they were all still flinching and wriggling their noses when the driver opened the car door for us.

Alex left the car first, followed by Dave, then Damon, then me with Graham coming out last. We gave the photographers some smiles and a few waves as we walked into the building, but we were not stopping for them to get photos of us, I quite enjoyed it but the boys, mainly Damon, thought it made us look too 'pop star-ish'.

As soon as we entered the room, we all ended up going our separate ways. I headed straight to the toilets, in need of doing a line or two. I definitely couldn't cope with this environment as sober as I currently was. As soon as I stepped out of the toilets, I heard the five minute warning go off, meaning I couldn't go to the bar before it started, I headed towards our table hoping that one of the boys would have thought to get me a drink.

"Where have you been?" Dave asked as I sat down, drawing the attention of everyone else on the table to me.

I just shrugged my shoulders "I needed to go to the loo" I told him with a small smile, he just laughed and rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what that meant.

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