Chapter Four

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"Eliza" Liam said as we got to the table, he waited until I was stood next to him to continue "I'd like you to meet the fucking greatest band in the fucking world"

I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head, trying to gauge their reactions, none of them had even bothered to look up.

"What the fuck are you doing with that cunt?" Well, none of them bothered to look up apart from Noel it would seem.

"Did your mother never teach you how to speak to ladies?" I asked him, putting on my best sickly-sweet high pitched voice, accompanied with a big smile. He looked up from his drink, his eyes glaring at me from underneath his furrowed eyebrows. If I didn't have the alcohol and god knows what else coursing through my veins, I would have felt quite intimidated, but instead it was rather comical.

"Piss off" Came his gruff voice, before he downed his drink and left the table. I did quite the opposite of what he had asked me to do, and took a seat next to Liam instead.

"He's just a miserable bastard" Guigsy told me, giving me a sympathetic smile once we made eye contact.

"Doesn't bother me" I told him with a laugh and a shrug of my shoulders.

"Nah nah nah" Liam interrupted, I turned and faced him, not being able to contain my smile at his flustered look "He's only being a cunt because you said you'd rather fuck me than him"

My mouth dropped open in shock as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and a nervous laughter spill out of my lips.

"Hypothetically" I said through my laughter "I said I'd hypothetically choose you over him"

He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his drink, his lips formed into a smug smirk once the glass was removed from them.

"Besides, you're gonna have to try harder than just buying me a couple of drinks" I told him, reaching across the table to grab the gin he had bought me.

"You haven't seen anything yet" he told me, his accent thick on his words. I just laughed and raised my eyebrows at him, before taking a sip of my drink.

"Fucking hell Liam, what have you put in this?" I exclaimed, it tasted like it was pure gin.

"Can't handle it?" He challenged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I just laughed and shook my head.

"Piss off Gallagher" I mumbled, reaching down to fumble around in my bag, eventually pulling out a little bag of coke. I tipped the contents of the bag out and took a card from my purse, cutting the coke a few times and then forming it into lines.

"Got a note?" I asked the aimlessly to anyone who bothered to listen. Once I looked up from the table, I noticed that all of the band were staring at me, I laughed slightly as I raised my eyebrows.

"You're telling me that the greatest fucking band in the world can't handle a bit of coke?" I challenged, putting my bank card down next to my newly formed lines.

"Fuck off" Liam exclaimed "We're just not used to seeing a fucking bird doing it"

I laughed and reached over so that I was holding Liams face in the palm of my hand, he had screwed his face up, but hadn't pushed me away.

"Well, I'm not any old fucking bird gallagher"


This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, so apologies for that! But I hope you enjoyed it, it was more oasis centred than my previous chapters. I would LOVE to know what you thought!

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