Chapter Twenty-Five

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It had been a whirlwind few months, it always was when a new album was released, suddenly every television programme and magazine wanted us. We hadn't really stopped we were constantly jumping between tv studios to journalists offices and finishing every night in the pub, drinking until we sent ourselves dizzy and then waking up the next day to do it all again. Our Christmas break could not come quicker.

Things has been... weird between myself and Damon. We never really discussed the day he kicked me out of the studio, instead we just ignored each other for a few days and then reconvened as though nothing had happened. Well, we pretended like nothing had happened but we hadn't argued, slept together or even really spoken properly since. It was almost like something between us had fallen away, it had only been a few months but I felt like I barely knew him. The small talk we forced ourselves to make was painful and if I spoke to him about the weather one more time I swear I was going to go mad.

Today was the 23rd of December, the boys had all insisted our Christmas break started today so they could all pack before they went home tomorrow. I didn't really agree with that, or the ten-day break we had been given. I was going to be spending Christmas alone and so, the quicker we got back to doing things, the better. Graham had invited me to spend Christmas with him and his family, but I had to decline. I was unbelievably grateful for his offer, but I just couldn't possibly accept it. The thought of even going back to Colchester was too much, let alone next door to my parents house. I hadn't been there in almost a year now, I still needed to empty the house and decide what I was doing with it, but that was far too scary a thought for now.

I had planned out my Christmas break, I knew I had to try and keep myself as busy as possible, it was far too easy for me to slip back into a depressive spiral.

I heard a loud knock at the door, making me get up from the sofa. I wasn't sure who it was going to be, I certainly wasn't expecting anyone.

"Damon" I said quietly, out of all the people it could have been, Damon was quite far down the list. He hadn't been to my flat in months now, so I was truly surprised to see him stood there.

"Eliza, can I come in?" He asked gently, I smiled and nodded my head, opening the door to invite him in.

"You don't need to ask" I told him, he just responded with a small nod of his head.

We both walked over to the sofa and sat down in silence, it was almost painful. By now, conversation would be flowing, Damon would be sat down like he lived here and certainly not sat on the edge of the sofa like he currently was.

"Damon, where have we gone wrong?" I asked him with a sigh, he shook his head and placed his hands over his eyes. I'm not sure if he was choosing to not answer me or if he genuinely couldn't. It was rather difficult to pinpoint where exactly we had gone wrong after all, we had gone wrong in so many ways.

"Come spend Christmas with me Lyla" He said after a while, I looked up at him and frowned, that certainly wasn't the response I was expecting.

"Thank you, but I can't" I said gently with a shake of my head. Once upon a time no, even a few months ago, I would have bitten his hand off. But now? Now it just felt awkward.

"But you can't spend it on your own" He told me with a frown, I closed my eyes and smiled.

"I'll be fine Dames, I can't go back to Colchester, not yet" I confessed, giving him a reassuring smile, but I think I needed the reassurance more than he did.

"I'm not letting you spend Christmas on your own, I'll spend it here with you" He carried on, I shook my head again.

"No Damon, I know how much Christmas means to you with your family, I'm not taking you away from that" I told him firmly, he laughed gently in response as a small smile began to appear on his face.

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