Chapter Forty

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"Do we really have to go?" I whined, watching as Damon played around with his hair in the mirror.

"Yes Lyla, we can't decline our invite to the brits!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes with a laugh.

We were both getting ready to leave for the Brit awards, after my conversation with Liam last week I really, really did not want to go. I was terrified of any form of confrontation with Liam and I knew we weren't going to win anything, so it all round seemed like a bit of a pointless evening.

"Damon, I really don't want to go. What if Liam kicks off?" I mumbled, he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on top of my head.

"I won't let anything bad happen, I promise" he told me gently, placing another kiss on my head before turning his attention back to the mirror, his hair didn't seem to want to play the game today.

"I'll make a deal with you" I told me, he hummed in response, looking at me through the mirror reflection "We don't go to the awards but we go to the after party?"

"Lyla" He warned, turning around to face me, a small smile on his lips "Liam's just as likely to be at the after party, you can't avoid him forever"

"I fucking can" I huffed, walking over to the bed and sitting down "Please don't make me go Dames"

He walked over to the bed so that he was standing next to it, a forced frown on his face. I reached forward to take hold of his hand, pulling him forward so that he was on top of me.

"I can think of far better things that we could do instead" I whispered in his ear, before leaving a trail of kisses down his neck. He sighed in response, his grip on my hand tightening.

"You're an absolute killer, do you know that?"

"Have you seen Damon?" I shouted to anyone who could be bothered to listen, we'd been at the after party for about two hours now and the alcohol had gone to my head disgustingly quickly.

Damon and I had arrived together, but we quickly separated as soon as we entered the room. Luckily, Justine was in America so he wouldn't have to keep up that facade but that still didn't make keeping my hands off of him any easier.

"Lyla darling" I heard someone exclaim, I spun around to see Alex stood there, a bottle of champagne in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I reached forward and gave him a hug and a quick kiss on his cheek before taking the bottle from his hand and having a large gulp from it.

"A free bar that gives bottles of champagne is my favourite kind of bar" He told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me across to a booth.

"I'm not fucking going over there" I groaned once my eyes landed upon Damien Hirst, I stopped walking and tried to dig my heels into the ground. Ultimately, it was no use as Alex was far stronger than me and he managed to drag me across to the booth.

"Stop being so difficult, I'm only bringing you over here cause I know you'll want a few lines" He nagged, taking hold of my hand and sitting me down in the booth, luckily next to Graham.

"Do you want to go to the pub?" He whispered in my ear, I turned to look at him a smile frowning on my face.

"No Gra, you've got to stay here" I exclaimed, reaching into my pocket to pull out a little bag with a few pills in it "here, have one of these"

"No thanks Lyla" He mumbled, shaking his head as he refused the green pill.

"Come on, I'm having one too" I told him, handing another pill to him "It'll cheer you up, I promise"

He reluctantly accepted it this time, placing it on his tongue, in time with me, before swallowing it.

"Where'd you even get that from?" He asked me, nose screwed up as he took a gulp from his beer to wash it down with.

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