Chapter Two

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The all too familiar sound of Damon gagging, and then vomiting, woke me up. I groaned, rolling over in bed with every intention of going back to sleep, he could deal with being sick on his own, after all. Before I could even really try to go back to sleep, I was out of bed and walking to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. As much as I wanted to ignore him and go back to sleep, I just couldn't do it, I had to help him.

"You're okay" I said quietly as I walked into the bathroom, kneeling down to place the glass of water beside him.

He looked up from the toilet and gave me a weak smile, to which, I returned. I moved around so that I was now sat with my back to him, our backs pressing against each other. This was something we'd been doing for years now, whenever Damon was sick I've always wanted to comfort him, but my stomach was never strong enough. We started sitting back to back instead, that way he knew I was there and not having to watch him vomit was far easier for me.

"I'm good" He mumbled as he pulled away from the toilet, I turned around so I was now facing him, not being able to stop myself from smiling at his disheveled look.

"You okay?" I asked him gently, he nodded his head as he took a sip from the glass of water.

"Yeah I'm good" He told me, his voice now sounding a little more perkier. He turned to look a me and gave me a big smile, though it was incredibly forced.

"Okay" I said as I got myself up from the floor "I'm going back to bed" I told him, turning around to exit the bathroom.

Before I could leave, I felt him grip onto my wrist, I turned back around and gave him a confused look, which was quickly replaced with laughter once he used me to pull himself up from the floor.

"I'd better get going Lyla" He said quietly, giving me an unsure smile and raising his hand up to scratch at the back of his neck, the main thing he does when he's nervous.

"That's fine Dames, I need to go back to sleep anyway" I told him with a smile, followed by a rather convenient yawn. He nodded his head and smiled back at me, though things still felt a bit awkward.

We both walked back into my bedroom and I sat on the edge of the bed, watching him piece his outfit together from his clothes which were scattered around on my floor. I really wish I could say that we hadn't been here before, but instead we've been here so many times that he actually has clean clothes kept at mine, to make the 'walk of shame' less obvious.

After making himself look slightly more presentable he quickly walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and put some deodorant on. I smiled at him as he walked out of the bathroom, he was just far too good looking.

"I'll see you later love" He said to me softly as he came back over to me. He came over, gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and then let himself out of the flat.

I curled back up in bed, wrapping the duvet around myself. I caught a quick glance at my clock, 10.48am, before falling back into a deep sleep.

This time, I awoke to a silent flat, it was a welcome change from Damon's vomiting this morning. I looked across to my clock to see that it read 3.26pm, I had a few hours to get myself ready. I vaguely remember making plans to go to a party with Alex tonight, though I'm sure I'll be able to find a club if that falls through.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw a copy of Q magazine, forgetting my plans to make some food, I picked up the magazine and flicked through it until I found my interview. I don't often read interviews, but this was the first interview I had done without the boys, so I just had to read it.

How are you today?

I'm really well thank you, how are you?

I'm good thanks, so with blur taking the world by storm, tell me about how you ended up being in the band?

When we were younger, Graham and I used to live next door to each other and we have always been really good friends. He used to write shitty songs and I would sing for him, we would then perform them to our parents.

You're younger than the others, aren't you?

Yeah, I'm three years younger than Graham, Damon and Alex and seven years younger than Dave.

Sorry, carry on with how you ended up in the band.

Graham and I went to different schools, I actually went to boarding school, so I was away a lot. One day, I came home, went straight to Graham's house and found that he had someone new to sing for him. This person, of course, ended up being Damon. It took Damon and myself a while to get on, we were young, he thought I was too young, I thought Graham was replacing me, Damon thought he was a better singer than me, I thought Damon was too arrogant. Eventually though, something just clicked and we all made an agreement to keep each other involved in any musical things we ended up doing.

And the rest is history?

Pretty much.

What was the first album you bought?

Oooh, I don't actually know. I reckon it was probably Actually by the Pet Shop Boys. I was quite late to buying my own music, I just used to listen to whatever Graham had bought.

How is fame treating you?

Haha, erm well I think. I don't know, you tell me. You've probably read more about me than what I know myself!

Well, from my view you seem to certain be living to the true star potential, are there any parties you don't attend?

I do like going to a party, I must say! If you invite me to something, I can more or less guarantee I'll turn up!

Rumour has it that you and Noel Gallagher have got a bit of a thing going on, is this true?

Really? That's the first I've heard of it! Yeah, that's not true I'm afraid, we've never really even spoken that much. I'm sure Noel is a lovely guy, but I'd definitely go for Liam instead.

I'm sure he'll love to hear that, you'll have Liam biting your hand of before you know it

I was speaking hypothetically... of course.

And finally Eliza, can you tell us your favourite and least favourite song from each of blurs albums?

Oooh, that's quite tricky!
So for leisure I would say my favourite song is bang (sorry Damon!) and my least favourite is she's so high.
My favourite song from modern life has to be for tomorrow for sure and my least favourite is Oily water.
Parklife I love a lot of the songs on there, I really do think that it's our best album. Parklife, girls & boys, to the end, end of a century, bank holiday, London loves, jubilee and magic America are all just great songs, I really will struggle to narrow it down any more than that!

Thank you so much for speaking to us today Eliza, have a lovely day!

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