Chapter Eleven

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Two months had passed since that night in Italy and we were finally on our way home for a proper break. I felt like I had blinked and we had travelled around almost the entirety of Europe, as amazing as it is to see all of these different places I couldn't wait to get home to my house, especially as my parents were coming to visit. I had spoken to them every few days but it had been months and months since I'd last been able to see them, I never had the time to travel to Colchester and they never had the time to travel to London.

"Are you excited to see your parents?" Alex asked me, drawing me out of my thoughts. I looked across at him and smiled, eagerly nodding my head.

"I cannot wait" I said with a grin on my face "I can't believe I'm seeing them tomorrow!"

"I can't wait to see them either" Damon interrupted, he too bearing a bashful grin. I couldn't help but laugh as I shook my head.

"I can't believe that my mother hasn't seen me in god knows how long but she's probably more excited to see you guys than she is me" I told them whilst laughing, Mum said that the boys had to be there too as she had missed them and wanted to hear absolutely everything that we had been up to.

"Well I have always been her favourite" Graham told me, a cheeky smile on his face.

I smiled along with him, feeling incredibly lucky to be in the current position that I am. The tour had been an amazing success, we played to sold out audiences every night and we then got pissed afterwards. I had learnt to take each day as it came and today was a bloody good day, we were all getting on like we used to (which was slowly starting to become a rarity!) and we were now in our taxi on the way home from the airport.

"What time do you want us to come round?" Dave asked me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whenever, mum said they're aiming to get to me for midday so come whenever you want" I told him as he nodded in agreement.

We chatted amongst ourselves and I couldn't help but smile as the familiar London roads started to show themselves. I couldn't wait to get into my house and have an evening to myself, Damon and I had ended up sharing a hotel room every night and whilst we certainly made the most of it, I was so excited to able to have a bed to myself tonight.

"I'll see you all tomorrow" I told the boys, blowing them kisses as I got out of the cab once it had pulled up outside my house. They all said their goodbyes and then the taxi was gone and I was alone for the first time in two months.

I unlocked the door and slowly walked in, a big smile growing on my face. I left my suitcase in the hall and made a beeline straight for my bed, collapsing onto it once it was in reach. Laying on my bed I was almost certain that there was absolutely nothing better than getting back into your own bed after months away.

I had spent the evening watching rubbish television and trying to avoid any programmes with any mention of us or oasis, I needed a break from all of that. Sleep didn't come as easy as I'd have liked mainly due to the excitement of finally seeing my parents but it was now the next day. I had spent all morning cleaning, not that there was anything to clean but it kept me from watching the clock and I had made and then re-made the guest bed so many times I had lost track.

I picked up my camera and took it over to the sofa with me, I hadn't had the chance to look through the photos I'd taken on tour yet and now was as good a time as any. I slowly started flicking through the images, smiling at each photo that came on. Each one being a snapshot of that moment, I paused and inspected a photo of myself, Graham and Damon. I had a big smile on my face with Damon placing a kiss on my cheek and Graham with his arm around my shoulders and a bottle of wine in his other hand. I knew that would be one I'd get printed. I went through all of the other photos, loving the eclectic mix of memories I now had.

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