Chapter 34!

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❤️He's become the one the songs are about, and while part of me knows he's probably worth that, another part is yelling at me to slow the fuck down."
― John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson❤️

Nicole glared at me, almost as if her eyes were shooting fireballs straight at my face. But to be completely honest, it felt so good. It felt amazing. Extraordinary. She deserved that slap. The moment when the tips of my fingers connected with her cheek and the smashing sound that it created was so uplifting. That time when I took my hand away from her cheek and smugly examined the red imprint...Oh Lord, that was such a proud moment. And I am very well aware of the fact that I sound like a psychotic killer right now. But you'll just have to deal with it. I hit that bitch. I slapped her! And her face right now is priceless.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" She shrieks in that hideous voice of hers and I sigh. You know there's always this person whose voice seems to travel agonizingly slowly through your ears and hit just the wrong nerve with such force, the voice sounded like the most unbearable thing in the world. Listening to their voice is downright torture. That was the feeling I was getting as Nicole kept muttering bullshit.

"I'm Dan's friend. What are you doing here?" As much as it hurt to say 'friend', it was, alas, the truth. And the truth, my friends, is always bitter.

"Well excuse me, I'm his girlfriend. You've got no business being here, okay?" And then she looked at me up and down like I was some creature from another planet.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Dell suddenly screams out of nowhere and Nicole whimpers.


Can you believe it? I can! After all, I freaking saw it. And it was the most awesome thing in the world.

"Can't you see this is a serious situation? Dan's in a hospital! There are chances that he might die. And all you want to do is fight?" Amber tells Nicole with an angry look and she steps back. "We all saw how much of a girlfriend you are to him, Nicole."

She scoffs, unaffected. "Say whatever you want to. I don't care. He's mine. And I'm more worried about him than you'll ever be. Because partly, this is my fault. Dan was coming to my place when he got into the accident. He was talking on the phone with me. And boy, he was crying really hard. He kept muttering something about killing someone named Sam. He also said something about some Sarah but before I knew, the line was dead and there was a crashing noise. That's all I know," Nicole offers.

Huh. Why on earth would Dan go to see Nicole? Does that mean he's actually seeing her now? Oh god, please no! Why her? And what could he have possibly said about me? The thoughts keep wandering in my mind and I shoot questions at her.

"Why was he coming to your place?" I ask Nicole as sweetly as I can, mustering up a smile. Which I'm pretty sure looks like a weird scowl, but yeah, whatever.

"Why is it that you care? He said he wanted to talk to me about something extremely important," She says highly.


Dan and Nicole.

Nicole and Dan.

Why is it that I can't seem to digest this?

"If I know my Dan, I'm sure it's because he wants to propose me or something. And I mean, how can he even resist me? I'm sure he loves me," She says with a dreamy look and I give her a murderous glare. If I were in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Nicole, and am asked to shoot two of them. I would shoot her. Twice.

That's how much I hate her right now.

Between all the thinking and interpreting, I completely missed the young doctor guy standing in front of me, telling me something. I snap out of it and try listening.

"The patient is awake. He's asking for someone, actually. A girl called Sarah," He informs.

My heartbeat skyrockets. He wants to see me...he wants to see me...

He probably just wants to throw one of his many insults at me about how much he hates Sam and how stupid I am. Nothing else. I can't think of any other reason.

"Make sure you don't make him angry or furious. Basically just don't do anything that triggers emotions to an extreme level. That might damage his brain further, and we can't afford to take the risks. The good thing is that he obviously remembers you, so take it slow. He might have a very hard time recollecting things or memories and some things he won't remember at all. He'll act like it never happened, but that's not his fault. Some of his memories might be fully erased. So take it slow. Give him time to get used to the people and the environment," The doctor warns me and I nod, taking in every word, making sure to do just that.

Slowly, I walk towards the room Dan is resting in and open the door slowly, taking in his condition. God he looks horrible. But even in this horribleness, I find beauty. He still looks so eerily gorgeous, it hurts. Like hell.

I can hear the beeping of some monitor in the background and his ragged, heavy breaths. He opens his eyes and sees me standing in front of him. He takes me in. His expressions are unreadable. His face is a mask.

Suddenly, he beckons me forward. He raises his hand and moves his first two fingers, asking me to come towards him. I oblige. Shakily, I walk to his bed and make sure not to touch his plaster, or the bandage around his head. It all looks so deadly, so fragile.

He leans in and I do too. His hand brings my face closer to his. I see it all now. His perfect eyebrows, his brightly lit eyes, his sharp nose, his high cheekbones. I take it all in. He's just so beautiful, I can't seem to stop. It's as if he's almost divine. And God, I love him. So much. I love him like I've never loved anyone before. It's not just some crazy infatuation I have with him. It's like a connection. The feelings I possess are hard, raw, strong, and dangerous.

"I love you."



Who said it to whom? Was it Sarah or Dan?

People any guesses?!?!

Lol. I liked how this chapter ended. Cliffhangers rock, I swear to god.

Oh and I might not be able to update after today...till like the 24th. Because my mom turns ferociously angry every time I touch the laptop, and this takes quite a while to type. Not that I study, though. I'm supposed to though.......


Keep reading. Keep voting. Keep commenting!

Love you! Lol, I'm saying it. Not Sarah or Dan.

Yours truly,


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