Savage Love pt.2 (Alex)

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Y/n's pov

It's been 6 months and I'm finally on my way back to the states. I've been on a world tour and as much as I love my fans I can't wait to be back in my own bed with the girl I love. Sofia Carson. We met when I did one of my shows in Paris and instantly hit it off. Since then she's come to see me a few times while I've been on tour but it'll be nice to spend time with her. After I met Sofia, I blocked Alex's number and honestly haven't thought about her much. Kelley tells me that she asks about me all the time but I couldn't care less. I've decided to stop chasing someone who would never love me in that way. Honestly since I've cut her off I personally have been in a much better place, I guess that's what happens when you cut toxic people out of your life.

"Y/n we are 5 minutes from landing so buckle up if you aren't already" my pilot says over the intercom. I buckle in and soon enough we land. I grab my stuff and some security escorts me to the car. After about an hour drive I finally make my way up to my apartment. I open my door and the lights flick on.

"Welcome home!" I hear two voices call out. I smile at the sight of my girlfriend and Cousin. I walk in and give Kelley a big hug then turn to my girlfriend giving her a hug.

"Welcome home baby" she says giving me a kiss.

"I missed you a lot" I say giving her another kiss.

"Alright lovebirds thats enough pda. At least in front of me" Kelley says sending me a wink at the end causing me to blush.

"Come tell us about the tour" Kelley says and we all walk to my couch. I sit down and Sofia sits on my lap so I wrap my arms around her as I start to talk about my tour.

Alex's pov

I feel like I'm going crazy Y/n must have blocked me on her phone because she hasn't answered my calls or text in months. Servando is still the same and I recently broke up with him because he stood me up on our anniversary. I just feel like I have no one to really turn to anymore. Kelley has been more distant with me ever since I left Y/n during our date, and to top it off she won't even tell me how Y/n is doing. I can only assume she's missing me because she did say she loved me and it was obvious that she was head over heels for me. I mean she did write me a song about how she wanted my love. Plus the sex between us was great so I know she has to miss that.

I know she was on tour and that it recently ended so I wonder if she's back home? My phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts and I scoff when I see it's Servando.


"I'm sorry it was a one time thing Alex"

"You're only calling because you want sex. Well guess what I get better sex from other people"

"Let me guess that stupid singer? If I remember correctly you left her for me in the middle of a date"

"And I shouldn't have because she treats me better than you ever have"

"Whatever I know you'll come crawling back to me" He hangs up and I feel myself get frustrated so I do the one thing I've grown accustomed to.

Y/n's pov

"Alright bye Kel, I'll see you tomorrow" I say giving her one last hug closing the door behind her as she leaves. I turn around I see my girlfriend pouring a glass of wine and hands it to me then pours herself one.

"I know I went to visit you on tour a few times but 3 months has been too long" she pouts. I peck her lips and sit down next to her.

"I know but you had to work on your upcoming movie. How has shooting been so far?" I ask

"Exhausting but I love the whole plot of the movie and the cast is great. Although KJ has been a little too flirty off the camera" she says and I frown

"Oh really do I need to say something?"

"No I think I can handle it. Everyone knows I'm yours and only yours" she says placing her empty wine glass down on the table.

"Good I don't like sharing what's mine" I say as she straddles me.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah" and with that she smashes our lips together and I grip her waist with my hands slowly moving further down the longer we make out. I stand up and bring us to the bedroom and I lay her down and instantly attach my lips to her sweet spot on her neck earning a soft moan from her. I go to remove her shirt when a loud knock on my front door interrupts us.

"Ignore it" Sofia pants so I do and go back to work on her neck when the knocking starts up again causing me to groan and roll of of her.

"I gonna kill whoever this is" I mumble causing Sofia to chuckle slightly.

"We'll go send them away so we can get back to business" I round the corner out of my bedroom as the knocking grows louder.

"I'm coming sheesh" I say and seconds later I open the door to reveal the brunette I haven't seen in months.

"What- What are you doing here Alex?"

"I missed you and I know you got home today so I thought-"

"You thought what? That the second I saw you I would want to fuck?"


"I'm sorry for whatever it is Servando did to you this time but you don't get to just show up here whenever your frustrated. Not anymore"

"Y/n I know you still love me-"

"Babe? Who's at the door?" I hear Sofia call out

"Who is that?" Alex asks in a sudden cold tone.

"None of your business" I say

"So that's how it's gonna be? You don't talk to me for half a year and I come here to find you with some other bitch?" She says her voice laced with venom

"You don't know shit about her so don't you dare call her a bitch. If anyone is a bitch it's you Alex" I huff and she goes to smack me but I catch her hand in time.

"You're just like Servando!" She yells as tears start flowing from her eyes

"No the difference between him and I was that I actually loved you and would've done anything for you but you made me realize that I deserve so much better than your twisted version of love. I finally found someone who loves me wholeheartedly and I love them."

"So that's it then? No one is gonna love me?"

"No Alex, someone out there will love you" I say and she looks up at me.

"It's just not gonna be me"

Hey y'all here's part 2 of Savage Love. I hope you enjoyed it. As always don't forget to comment and vote!

I'm gonna start accepting some request for this book again as this is my last week of school before winter break. So definitely comment a plot if you want to have a oneshot made and I'll do my best to make it happen! And if you don't feel comfortable with commenting publicly on here feel free to pm me!

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