Theme Park (Julie)

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Y/n's pov

"Babe" I hear and look over to my girlfriend Julie. We are currently in our hotel room as we are traveling with the national team.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I'm bored" she pouts cutely

"Well what do you have in mind?" I ask turning to her giving her my full attention.

"Well Press and I were driving around yesterday and we saw this carnival..." She trailed off and I smile giving her a peck on the head

"We can go if you want babe, Jill did say today was a free day" I smile and she nods. We get ready and I drive us to the carnival and we go on plenty of rides like the one where you get in the seat and you spin the big metal wheel to spin the giant thing. I spun us really fast which Julie didn't like causing me to laugh and slow us down a little. After spending a few dollars I finally won the ring toss game and ended up winning Julie a medium sized stuffed penguin which she named Peter for some reason. We got a few corndogs and I got us some cotton candy. I see Julies eyes travel behind me so I turn around to see the giant Ferris wheel and I shake my head.

"No" I say sternly and she gives me her puppy dog eyes look.

"Please Y/n"

"No, you know I hate heights" I say but I already feel myself breaking down because I can never truly say no to Julie and I think she knows that.

"Pleeeeeeeeasssee Y/n it just goes around like 2 or 3 times and then its over" she says and I sigh which causes her to smile.

"Fine" I say and we make our way to the Ferris wheel. We are in the line and finally it reaches us and we sit in the little basket thing and they close the metal gate behind us and then it hits be that I'm going to be hundreds of feet in the air in a metal death trap for who knows how long.

"Um I change my mind" I say trying to stand up but the ride starts causing me to sit back down and gravitate to the middle of the basket to the metal pole.

"Babe you are completely fine"

"How can you be completely fine when you're hundreds of feet in the air in a metal basket which is secured by a cheep ass metal gate and no seatbelts" I say

"Well I guess you kind of make some valid points but come on you're acting like this thing is going 80 miles per hour" she says

"Because it is" I mumble causing her to roll her eyes

"Hey look we're at the top!" She says causing my eyes to bulge and rapidly look around

"Oh my god we're going to die" I say still looking around

"Y/n we aren't even moving so please stop worrying" She says but all I can focus on is how high we are up off the ground.

"Julie" I say still looking down

"Y/n quit looking down please" she says but I ignore her. I feel a hand grab mine causing me to tear my eyes from the ground and look at her.

"Just focus on me okay, we're going to be okay" she says and I slowly start to calm down but im still a little freaked out and I think she can tell as she suddenly crashes our lips together instantly making me forget where I am as her lips have that affect on me. I kiss her back and I relax and I didn't even notice the ride started moving again and that we were at the bottom until I heard someone clear their throat. We break apart and I feel myself blush no being able to look the guy in the eyes as we exit the Ferris wheel. We make our way back to the hotel room making small talk along the way. We lay down in bed with her laying on me with her head on chest and I look down at her and smile and she looks up.

"Thanks for today" I say

"For what?"

"You helped calm me down when I was freaking out mentally" I say and she nods

"You're welcome, I guess I should be apologizing for making you go on the ride in the first place." she say looking down so I tilt her head back to look at me

"Don't be" I say kissing her lips gently

"I love you Julie" I say placing another kiss on her head

"I love you to Y/n and you as well Peter" she says grabbing the stuffed penguin.


Hey y'all here's another update for y'all hope you guys liked it. As always don't forget to comment and Vote! The next update will be in 2-3 days!

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