Sick (Tobin)

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Y/n's pov

I've been laying in bed all day as I have gone through many tissues and cough drops. I know that I need actual medicine but I have none and I don't feel good enough to go get it myself. I hear my phone start to buzz causing me to groan as I reach across the bed to grab it off the nightstand. I smile as I see it's my girlfriend calling.

"Hey babe" I rasp out as I lean back against my pillows closing my eyes as I hear a bunch of chatter in the background.

"Are you okay? You" She says

"Yeah it's just a little cold I'm dealing with I'll be fine. How's your event going?"

"A cold? Are you staying hydrated? Do you have the right medicine? Are you getting enough rest? Are you-"

"Tobs I'm fine I'm-" I go into a coughing spree. "Oh my chest" I groan it's silent on the other end so I check to see if I accidentally hung up but I didn't.


"I'll be there in 30" she says then hangs up. I sigh as I lay back down on the pillows waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. I hear my apartment door open and my girlfriends voice ring out.


"In the bedroom" I call back reaching for a tissue. She comes though the door and smiles softly at me and I see that she has a few grocery bags with her.

"You didn't have to come tobs the event you were at was important. You shouldn't have left just because I have a little cold" I rasped out.

"Yeah right Y/n. You didn't sound great on the phone especially when you went into that coughing fit. Also I know you, you're example of medicine is probably some cough drops" she says giving me a look and I know not to fight her on this.

"Anyways I got you some DayQuil and NyQuil along with some stuff to help with your runny nose. I'm always going to choose to take care of you rather than go to some event. You're my number one priority Y/n" she says getting into bed next to me.

"No tobs, I don't want to get you sick. You need to be healthy you have a game in a few days" I say turning away from her. I hear her get up and open something so I turn to see she's opening the NyQuil and pouring me some.

"Here take this it'll make you feel better. I also got you your favorite Gatorade." She says handing me the medicine which I quickly take making a face as the flavor of the medicine is terrible. I grab my drink to help wash down the medicine and sigh. I look over at Tobin who holds open her arms, I smile slightly deciding I'll feel a thousand times better if I was in her arms. I lay my head on her chest and she puts her hand against my forehead.

"You're warm" she mumbles pressing her lips against my head. I nod and she gets up much to my dismay.

"I'll be right back" she says moments later returning with a rag which she hands me and I put it in my head. She lays back down and we resume our original position and she turns on the tv. We cuddled for a little while until she turns to me.

"Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

"I ate a little bit this morning but I'm not really hungry" I say

"Okay well you need to try to eat, do you want some soup?" She asks and I shrug causing her to sigh.

"I'll be back okay you stay here and rest" she says getting up and going to the kitchen to make soup. She returns with two bowls, she helps sit me up and I grab a bowl and slowly start eating eventually finishing the whole thing. She takes the dishes to the kitchen and I get ready for bed and so does she.

"Do you promise to not get up anymore? Your comfortable" I say laying my head back on her chest.

"Yes I promise" she laughs lightly.

"Good. Hey Toby?"


"Thank you for taking care of me, I love you" I say looking up

"I love you too Y/n" she says pecking my lips. I yawn as I feel myself getting tired. I lay my head back down on her chest and fall asleep listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat.

Hey guys here's a another oneshot. As always don't forget to vote and comment any ideas you have for another oneshot.

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