Two O'Haras? (Kelley)

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Y/n's pov

I wake up in my wife's arms as the alarm goes off. Who's my wife you might ask? The one and only Kelley O'Hara, the only thing is that publicly nobody knows we're married, only family and really close friends.

"Babe" I mumble turning around in her arms placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Morning already?" She groans and I chuckle.

"Well we were up until early morning..."

"Right only because you wanted to go another round" she smirks

"Don't act like you didn't" I scoff sitting up. I feel the bed shift behind me and soon enough her arms snaked around my torso.

"Fine it was a mutual agreement" she places a kiss in the crook of my neck, I tilted it back giving her full access.

"Of course you know one thing right?" She asks leaving a trail going up my neck to my jaw.


"You all are going down today" she whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. I rolled my eyes and push her back down on the bed. Let me explain a little further, I play for the Houston Dash while Kel plays for the Washington Spirit, she was currently in town for our game today. As I said earlier the public doesn't know we're married so when they saw O'Hara on the back of my jersey they assumed I was her sibling. We've never quite had the chance to correct anyone yet.

"You wish, our team is going to wipe the floor with you all. I'll be sure to send you a wink when I speed past you as I score today" I tease getting up from the bed and walking into the bathroom.

"Hey get back here shorty!" She yells

"I'm taller than you babe!" I yell back and I hear her huff. I shower and get dressed and she goes in after me and we decided to head to the small cafe down the street to get breakfast before we have to part ways today. We chat a while until we make our way to the stadium then we part ways to the separate locker rooms. I changed into my gear and we have our pre game meeting where we talk strategies and the lineup. We head out of the locker room and begin to warm up. I look around as the fans start to file into the stadium and to their seats. I look across the field and I catch Kelley's gaze so I send her a smirk causing her to shoot me a glare. Soon enough the ref calls for captains and we do the coin flip, we won and decided we would start with the ball the second half. We get into positions and once we're ready the ref blows the whistle. Let the game begin.

Kelley's pov

I watch the first half go by and the game is tied 1-1 with Y/n scoring for her team. After half time I walk on to the field taking my position. We start and the match goes back and forth a while until Y/n's teammate sends the ball up the flank and Y/n runs towards it and so do I as it was a little far from her. We glanced at each other as we both closed in on the ball, neither of us backing down as we go in for the tackle. We collide with each other and the ref blows the whistle. We sit up and I glare at my wife for two reasons. The first being that she was willing to get hurt from that tackle, and the second being I totally got to the ball a second before her so she should've backed off.

"Why didn't you back off! I totally got there before you!" I yell

"You did not! You only went for the tackle because you knew I had you beat! You just didn't want me to score so we would have the advantage!"

"You think that was the reason!" I yell standing up

"I sure do! You could've just dropped back!" She says getting up as well

"And you could've pulled off!" I pointed at her. Moments later our teammates are pulling us apart and the ref decided to give us both a yellow for our argument. We restart the game and Y/n gets subbed out around the 70th minute, the rest of the game was a bit slower since both teams seemed to be getting tired. The whistle blows signaling the end of the match we shake hands and I meet Y/n midfield.

"O'Hara" I mumble

"O'Hara..." I sigh and decided that I would be the bigger person

"I'm sorry babe I just was upset at the fact you could've gotten hurt"

"Me what about you? You just as easily could've gotten injured"

"Yeah but you're more important, I would be really upset if you got hurt" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"We're both equally important okay?" she says giving me a kiss. I swear the whole stadium just let out a gasp.

"I guess they just found out we aren't siblings" I laugh

"I wonder who even came up with that" she chuckles

"No clue but I love you O'Hara" I smile

"And I love you too O'Hara"

Hey everyone here's an update of this book. I've decided to have this book come to a close so this will be the last chapter. Thank you to all the people who have commented and voted.

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