Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart pt.2

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Emily's pov

I turn the knob on my shared apartment with my girlfriend Y/n. I entered and looked around not seeing her so I call out to her.

"Babe! I'm home! Are you ready to go?" I ask referring to the family gathering my mother has put together. Y/n has managed to capture everyone's heart in my family sometimes I swear they love her more than me.

"Babe?" I call out still not hearing her reply. I walk into our bedroom and I feel my heart start to beat faster as I see a white envelope on the bed with a single red rose. I make my way over to the bed, opening the letter and scan over it, my heart grows heavier with each word I read.

My love,

I'm so sorry that I have to end things between us in a letter, I know that if I had to do it face to face I wouldn't have the strength. I can't keep going on knowing the fact that I don't fully have your heart like you have mine, after all a one sided love is not love at all. It pains me to say that you are just another wish that will never come true. I hope you have a stronger relationship with that other girl and that she can make you happy. Best wishes for you in the future and I'll say it one last time...I love you.


A tear lands on the letter so I quickly wipe my eyes, I didn't even know I was crying but I can't help the sobs that escape. I crumble up the letter throwing it across the room. I sink down to the floor knowing that the best thing in my life has left me over my stupidity.

2 months later

Y/n's pov

It's been two months since I've broken things off with Emily and my best friend has been helping me through it and has let me crash at her place.

"Hey Jennie thanks again for letting me crash here while I look for a new place"

"It's no problem Y/nn" she says flashing her gummy smile

"Yeah! It's no problem Y/nn!" Lisa says causing  Jisoo to smack the younger girl on the head.

"This isn't even your house Lisa" Rosé sighs

"Still it's no problem" Lisa grumbles causing me to chuckle.

"Anyways I'm glad you're moving on from your ex Y/nn she didn't deserve you" Rosé says firmly causing the others to look at her, the blonde blushes turning her head away from us.

"Yeah in fact I think I know someone who's quite interested in you Y/n" Jennie snickers earning a not so subtle shove from Rosé.

"Eh? Who?" I ask turning my head to the side and I hear Jisoo sigh loudly while Jennie and Lisa laugh. We hear a knock on the door and Jennie gets up to get it.

"So Y/n-" Lisa is cut off by Jennies cold voice

"What are you doing here?" She growls, we all turn to see who she's talking too but I can't quite see but I didn't need to as I recognized the voice.

"Please I just want to talk to her Jennie, I know she's here" Emily pleads. I get up walking towards the door.

"No way in hell am I-" I place a hand on Jennies shoulder, she turns to look and me and I give her a firm nod.

"Let me know if I need to slash her tires for you" Jennie mumbles walking past me and back into the living room. I close the door behind me leaving Emily and I alone in the hallway of the apartment building.

"Y/n I'm- I'm so sorry that I cheated on you and treated you poorly. You didn't deserve that and I'm really sorry that it took you leaving me for me to realize that you are the most important person in my life. The last two months have been shit and that's because I haven't had you in my arms, I haven't waken up to you and I haven't been able to say I love you. I love you Y/n and I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize that" she says with tears spilling out of her eyes. In all honesty if I was in my old mindset I would've taken her back in a heartbeat but I don't love her anymore my heart has started healing.

"Well thank you for apologizing Emily, but I don't-"

"No please don't say it Y/n, please"

"I'm sorry but maybe hearing it will help you move on. I don't love you anymore Emily"

"Y/n please I'm sorry! You can't just forget about me like that!"

"I'm not forgetting you, I'm just ending that chapter, our chapter. I'm sorry but please go"

"Y/n" she reached out but I stopped her. She turns to leave

"Goodbye Emily"

Hey y'all here's another oneshot for y'all hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry for the wait work has been busy and I graduated. As always don't forget to comment and vote.

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