Doctor (Alex)

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Y/n's pov

I come home from school to a quiet house so I'm guessing both the parentals are still out. I walk into the kitchen to get a snack and I see something written on the calendar.

Take Y/n to the doctors

I quickly grab the eraser and erase the reminder. I quickly grab a snack then sprint up the stairs after I hid all the evidence of me being home. I go upstairs turning on some music and the lights on in my room. I lock the door and walk out after grabbing the little key thing that is on top of the door frame. I quickly find another hiding spot then piling things on top of me to help hide me. I hear the door open and close and I hear one of my moms yell out.

"Y/n!" I heard Tobin yell out

"Y/n! where are you? You aren't slick I know you have a doctors appointment today and erasing it off the calendar isn't going to make me forget that."  Alex yells. Yes my parents are Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath the well known soccer players.

"Ugh she locker her door Tobin!" I hear mama yell

"Well she's your kid..." Tobin mumbles causing me to smirk shaking my head. I swear that's her favorite line to use.

"She's your kid to ya know!" Alex huffs

"Y/n I brought you home some food" Tobin yells. Lies. Now you may be wondering why I'm hiding from them and its simple I don't want to go to the doctors. I swear every time I go they magically find something wrong with me even if I'm completely fine and healthy. I think they just do that so they can look good at their job and get paid. I'm lost in my thoughts until my phone starts buzzing loudly in my pocket. Moments later the closet door opens and I look up to meet Tobins amused look.

"I found her lex" she says walking away. I stand up and peek around the corner to see mama standing there with her arms crossed and her glare fixed on me.

"Why must you do this every time you have to go to the doctors?" she sighs

"Yeah I mean I can understand the dentist. Why would anyone like to have some stranger poking at their teeth" Tobin says

"Not really helping there tobs" Alex sighs

"Because every time I go to the doctor they find something wrong I'm starting to think they are just making up things." I whine

"That is true" Tobin mumbles

"See! I told you!" I exclaim

"Again Tobs not helping whatsoever" Alex says placing her and on her head.

"Sorry" she chuckles

"Look I don't have time for this, Y/n get in the car we're leaving" Alex says pulling me towards the door and I groan. We arrive at the doctors and soon the doctor comes in smiling.

"Ah Y/n its nice to see you again and you too Mrs. Morgan" The doctor says and I grumble causing Alex to nudge me and I give her a side eye.

"Now im just going to examine you and it says here on your chart that you are due for 2 shots so I'll have the nurses get those ready." The doctor says going over the basic routine of shining a light in my eyes, ears, nose. She leaves then sends the nurse in to give me the shots once she leaves I turn to glare at Alex.

"See what are the odds of two shots?" I ask

"You're being ridiculous Y/n she's just doing her job and you were due for 2 shots." she huffs.

"As if I bet you she'll come back in and say some other thing is wrong just you watch." I say and as if on queue the doctor enters with some paper in her hand.

"Well Y/n it seems like you have a ear infection so I wrote you a prescription to get some medicine" She says handing me the paper

"Of course I do" I mumble under my breath. She then turns to Alex

"Oh and Mrs. Morgan I notice that your throat looks a little swollen towards the area where your thyroid is so I would like to just get a quick blood sample so we can test to see if I'm correct." She says holding up the needle and I see her whole demeanor change causing me to smirk.

"Oh um if you must I guess" she says rolling up her sleeve letting the doctor take blood. Once she finishes the doctor thanks her and says we are free to leave and that she will call with the results in a few days. We make our way to the car and I smirk.

"So how's your thyroid" I smirk

"Hows your ear infection" she shoots back

"Just peachy considering I'm like 99.9 percent sure I don't have one to be honest I'm telling you she finds some random crap out of the blue, I mean she basically said you have a fat neck" I say and she rolls her eyes

"You have a fat neck" she grumbles starting the car causing me to laugh.

"I Love ya mama and your fat neck too"


Hey y'all here's another one shot for you hope you all liked it! As alway don't forget to comment and vote. I'll do a double post if anyone can guess the name of this song!

Made plans with me and all your friends
I'm late again, I hate to keep you waiting
Tried to be a gentleman, got drunk again before I even made it
Tried to call a car for you, you're tired of me
I know you wouldn't take it
You walked a mile in Louis Vuitton and fucked 'em up
You know that they're my favorite

But we dress up and play pretend
Then we act like we're good again
I do things I can't defend
And even when you hold it in

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