You didn't make me breakfast (Mal)

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Y/n's pov

I jump as I hear the front door slam and I turn around on the couch to see my wife with a scowl on her face.

"You're home early" I say causing her to roll her eyes and walk to her bedroom. Yes you read that right HER bedroom. Our parents arranged a wedding for us and needless to say neither of us were exactly happy. However that doesn't mean that I treat her poorly. I let her move in with me gave her, her own bedroom, pay for all her expenses and I cook for her everyday and never once have I gotten a thank you. Hell I think she hates me to be honest. She never talks to me unless she's yelling at me for something I didn't do. Or she's just yelling...she likes to do that. My wife's name you ask? Mallory Diane L/n. Yes she had to take my last name another reason why I think she hates me.

I sigh standing up walking over to her bedroom door knocking lightly.

"WHAT" she yells

"Um don't forget we have to meet our parents at this business event tonight" I say softly


"I- I never said you were I was just saying. Uh are you hungry? I can make you something really quick" I offer

"NO. JUST GO AWAY I'LL TELL YOU WHEN IM READY TO LEAVE" she yells and I sigh. Truth be told I know she's hungry but she's too stubborn and bitter to admit it. I make some food regardless then change into my suit that my mother sent over. I sit down at the counter and grab a small portion of food and begin to eat when I see her door open.

She walks out in a beautiful black dress. Truth be told I do feel something for the brunette and I would like to think she feels something for me too even if she refuses to show it.

"Um I know you said you weren't hungry but I was. I made some extra if you changed your mind" I see her roll her eyes but grab a plate none the less.

"So how was your day?" I ask

"Save it"

"Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you"

"You said I do" she spat and I'm not gonna lie she's said some hurtful things to me over the past few years but this just hit different.

"Right" I say nodding to myself. We finish eating in silence and we make our way down to the limo waiting for us and we ride to the event. Once we arrive she intertwined our hands as I opened the door for us. We smile for a few pictures then we head inside. Once inside she's drops my hand and head off to who knows where. I sigh but it soon turns into a smile when I see a familiar face. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her.

"Lisaaaaaa" I sing and I hear her laugh.

"Hey dork" she says poking me on the nose

"Are the other girls here too" I say looking around for my other good friends.

"No they had to record some parts for our new single" she says causing me to pout.

"Cheer up I have messages from them. Jennie says "don't let the ice witch get to you Y/nn". Rosé says "keep being our little ball of sunshine"." I laugh slightly

"She's never gonna let me live that down is she?" And she chuckles

"None of us are. Oh and Jisoo says "Y/nnnnnn"." Then she pinches my cheeks and I swat her hands away.

"Jisoo wanted me to do that" she smiles and I shake my head.

"I'll have to make some time to come visit you all" I smile

Mal's pov

I could tell what I said to Y/n earlier hurt her and I instantly felt bad. Once we arrived at the event I went off to get a drink or two then I found my parents.

"Hey honey how have you been?" My mom asks me and I sigh.


"How are you and Y/n doing? I've barely seen you two together tonight" My dad says giving me a knowing look.

"Honey I know you didn't want to get married but look at how much good it did for the company. And Y/n is sweet you need to put aside your stubbornness and actually give her a chance. I think you'd really like her. I mean I know she takes care of you. She always asks about what your favorite food is or what your favorite flower is and what not." She says and I feel bad. Y/n never asked to be married off either and I've been treating her like shit.

I sigh and look around to see Y/n talking to some other girl and they are being really touchy with each other. I don't know why but seeing Y/n that close with another girl bothers me. I walk up to them causing their eyes to fall on me.

"Y/n we've made our appearance I want to leave" I say and the other girl scoffs.

"So you only acknowledge her when you want something. That's a great way to treat your wife" she says causing me to narrow my eyes at her.

"I don't-"

"Lisa it's okay. I'll catch you and the other girls later I promise" Y/n says giving her friend a hug. We bid our parents a goodbye and head back to our apartment where we go to our separate rooms.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up at 9 and walked out to see all the lights off and no breakfast waiting for me. Weird Y/n always makes breakfast for me. Part of me wants to check to see if she's okay. I knock on her door and don't hear her answer. I open her door to see Y/n laying in bed and she looks like she's shivering. I frown and walk up to her and place my hand against her forehead causing her to open her eyes.

"Mal?" she croaks out and I smile weakly.

"You're burning up Y/n" I mumble as she coughs. I sigh and go out to the medicine cabinet and pour some medicine and grab her a drink. I walk back into her room and sit her up slightly.

"All right Y/n you gotta drink this. I'll cook you some food okay?" I say while she downs the medicine and makes a face at the taste. I turn to leave but her voice stops me.

"Mal? Thank you" she says and I nod. Even after me being terrible to her she still thanks me. Maybe I should be nicer to Y/n and give her a chance. I finish making some food for the two of us and I bring it to her.

"Here Y/n try to eat at least some of it okay?" I say setting the plate down in front of her. I see her nod and I turn to leave.

"You- you can eat in here ya know? I don't bite" she jokes. I sit on the end of her bed and she smiles at me and I feel my lips pull upwards returning her smile.

"So how'd you know I was sick?"

"Well I didn't know you were sick until I walked in here but I did know something was off" I say taking a bite of the scrambled eggs I made.


" didn't make me breakfast" I smile causing her to laugh but it soon turns into a coughing fit.

"Oh my chest feels like the one time I had a cigarette" she says rubbing it and I smile sadly.

"Y/n I'm- I'm sorry for how I've treated you these past few years. You've been nothing but kind towards me and I've been awful. Neither of us asked to be married but you've been trying to make the best of our situation and I promise I'm going to change" I say and she smiles

"It's okay Mal. Who knew that all it would take for you to change was me not making you breakfast" she jokes

"Well it's a little more than that" I smile

"Let's make a deal. As soon as I get better we'll switch off on making breakfast every day" she says and I chuckle

"It's a deal and I'll be with you every step of the way from now on. I promise"

Hey y'all here's another oneshot for you hope you all enjoyed it! I officially have 2 weeks off of school so I'll try to update more frequently in the coming weeks! As always don't forget to vote and comment!

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