Jealous (Rose)

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Y/n's pov

I'm currently sitting in my college dorm room with my best friend and roommate Vanessa Moe. She's from Denmark and it was the first day of freshman year and we got paired up as parents in our science class and we bonded and have been best friends since. I hear her groan so I look up from my laptop with an amused smile.

"Y/n I'm hungry" she whines and I chuckle closing my laptop.

"Well..." I say

"Can we go to Olive Garden?" She sits up smiling and I smile. Olive Garden has always been there for us, whenever we have a bad day or she goes through a breakup or whatever Olive Garden is always there.

"Sure let's go Nessa" I say grabbing my phone, keys and wallet. I drive us to the restaurant and we go in and immediately get seated, we order our food and we chat for a while and she takes a picture of me and tags me and I get the notification on snap. I decided to do the same and post it on my story and say on a date kinda nervous. We continue our lunch and drive around for a few hours doing different activities and we arrive back in our dorm room. I get a FaceTime call and I see it's from my girlfriend Rose and I smile

Me: Hey babe

Rose: Hey-

"Ooh is that Rose? Hi Rose!" Vanessa says jumping on my back.

Rose: Hey Vanessa

Vanessa and I looked at each other and Vanessa smirked

"You're in trouble Y/n" Vanessa sings and grabs her bag sending me a wink as she leaves saying that she'll see me later and I nod.

Me: Well?

Rose: Well What?

Me: is she right? Am I in trouble because you don't seem happy.

Rose: I just don't like you two being around each other

Me: Well that's kind of a problem because she's my roommate Rose. I chuckle

Rose: I know but I mean like I don't like you two being touchy feely with each other

Me: What do you mean?

Rose: On a date kinda nervous she says in a mocking tone Really Y/n?

Y/n: Hey I don't say anything when you post similar things to that and you know Nessa and I are just friends wait a second are you jealous? Because there's no reason for you to be jealous Rose

Rose: Im not jealous she huffs

Me: Kinda sounds like you are I mumble and look back at the screen to see her glaring at me so I clear my throat

Me: So to be clear you're not mad but jealous I say with a smirk

Rose: I am not! But you are making me mad

Me: You're cute when you're jealous or as you say not jealous. So I guess you're just cute.

Rose: Stop trying to be cute when Im mad at you. She huffs I have practice so I have to go

Me: Bye cutie I say and she glares. She hangs up and I chuckle and Vanessa walks back in

"You didn't actually go anywhere did you" I shake my head smiling

"Nope" she says popping the 'p'.

"I do find it funny that Rose is jealous of us"

"Yeah" I chuckle

"We should prank her" Nessa says with an evil smirk

"What do you have in plan?" I smirk back


Rose's pov

Today is game day at Lincoln Financial Field in Pennsylvania. I'm happy because Y/n goes to the University of Pennsylvania and that means I'll get to see her today since the university is only a 9 minute drive. I'm still slightly annoyed that she said she was on a date with Vanessa even though I know it wasn't a real one. I just get so jealous when they get all touchy feely with each other and its not like they mean to do it that's just how they act with each other just like with some of us on the team. I sigh as we pull into the stadium shaking my head getting into game mode, we are playing Portugal today but I'm sitting on the bench all game because I told Jill that I felt a little pulling in my hamstring so she told me that I would be sitting out on these rounds of games. We win the game with the score being 4-0 and we do our victory lap signing things and taking pictures with the fans. As fans make their way out of the stadium I turn around to see Y/n walking toward me giving Vanessa a piggy back ride and I roll my eyes and see Vanessa lean down and say something causing Y/n to laugh.

"Geez Rose if you were a cartoon character you would have smoke coming out of your ears" Kelley says laughing as she walks by causing me to turn my glare to her and she raises her hands in defense and backs away slowly.

"Hey babe" I hear and turn my glance back to Y/n who still hasn't put Vanessa down and I huff.

"You don't seem very happy didn't you guys just win?" Vanessa asks and I sigh putting on a fake smile.

"Yeah just upset that my hamstring is acting up so I couldn't play" I say and they nod while im talking to them I feel myself slowly loosing it as Vanessa keeps touching Y/n and saying things to make her laugh.

"Thats it Y/n put her down and follow me" I say walking away a few feet so were are out of ear shot of Vanessa

"Whats up Rose?" Y/n asks

"There you two go again being all touchy feely"

"Sorry but like I said its just kinda natural just like you and the girls on the team you all are like family. Thats how I see Vanessa. You don't have to be jealous" she says and I sigh

" I can't help it okay!" I sigh frustratedly

"What do you mean"

"I can't help but get jealous because Im traveling with the team and she gets to see you everyday when I can only see you when im in the area or through a phone. She gets to be your best friend and yeah you guys have a very touchy relationship I get that but I wish that was me. I wish we could cuddle and watch movies or go out on lunch and dinner dates all the time but we can't because of the distance between us." I sigh

"Hey Rose I know the distance is a little much but we make it work I try to drive to the dc area on the weekends and crash at your apartment as much as I can and believe me I wish we could cuddle and go on all those dates as much as we both want. But we can do this and I know it, Im in my last year of college and we talked about us moving I when I graduate. We just have to make it these last few months and we can do all the things you want when I get moved in with you." She smiles and so do I

"Did I ever tell you how cute you are when you're jealous" She smirks and I roll my eyes

"Shut up and kiss me you idiot"


Hey Guys so sorry for the long overdue update but hopefully I'll get back on track with updating every 2-3 days. As always don't forget to comment and vote and thank you to everyone who gave prayers during hurricane dorian, there was some flooding and strong winds knocked some trees down but other than that no major damage.

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