"What is it?" He said sleepily. He took a look at Joonyoung's serious expression, then noticed Changmin and Younghoon. He furrowed his brows in confusion until he felt it too. The four gumihos took a glance around their surroundings and became high on alert as they noticed the slight fog.

"Oh, shit." Chanhee exclaimed quietly.

"OHHHHHH SHITTTTTT!!!" Haknyeon yelled out as he dodged the imoogi's blows one after another. His feeble attempts at trying to land a hit with his wooden sword were proving to be quite useless. Hwall tried to help Haknyeon as he thrusted the imoogi right in the head.

Hwall and Haknyeon looked in horror as Hwall's wooden sword broke in half. Haknyeon charged at the imoogi again but got thrown to the side. Hwall gulped as the imoogi stepped closer.

The imoogi grabbed Hwall's neck as he lifted him into the air. Hwall struggled helplessly as the grip tightened slowly. He could hear the mocking thoughts of the imoogi as he lost air little by little.

"Humans.....still vulnerable and miserable....as always." The imoogi said in a slow condescending tone. Hwall felt enraged at the words and tone. He didn't like it one bit.

"We... don't....need....your pity." Hwall managed to spat out as he gripped the imoogi's hands on his neck. The imoogi's eyes narrowed at the response and smirked.

"Still ignorant, I see." 

"Nope. Just stating my own facts." Hwall responded as he kicked the imoogi in the chest with all his might. The imoogi staggered backwards a bit as Hwall fell down the ground and caught his breath. 

"You worthless little piece of human!" The imoogi growled angrily.

Something in Hwall lit up at the moment. His whole body felt hot as if he was on fire. His hands trembled but not out of fear. Hwall, himself, was confused yet at the same time, he had never felt so empowered. Hwall took a look at the barely conscious Haknyeon, then at the imoogi. 

Haknyeon tried to stand up to help Hwall but the impact of getting his whole body wrecked to the tree had left him all weak. He hissed at the internal pain. Haknyeon glanced up at Hwall, then knitted his brows at the scene. Was he seeing things or were Hwall's eyes glowing blue, right now?

Hwall licked his lips as the imoogi came charging at him again. But instead of getting beat up like before, Hwall managed to land a hard hit. The imoogi stumbled backwards, a bit surprised at the sudden force. He looked back at Hwall and smirked. 

"How lucky am I to meet a gumiho." He cackled out loudly. Hwall looked at his hands in surprise. But he didn't have time to fully register himself as the imoogi charged at him again. Hwall successfully dodged him again as he attacked the imoogi right in his ears. 

Hwall smirked to himself as he landed blow after blow, each force much harder than the former. But Hwall let his guard down for a moment and the imoogi punched his stomach that left Hwall kneeling down. Hwall coughed out spit mixed with blood as he clutched his stomach. He gritted his teeth as he tasted the metallic taste in his mouth. Hwall squeezed his eyes shut and braced for impact as the imoogi prepared a full blow at Hwall.

"Younghoon hyung!" Haknyeon cried out. 

Hwall opened one eye and saw Younghoon landing a full force kick at the imoogi as it got thrown right into a tree trunk. The tree bark shattered in pieces as the imoogi hit it. Younghoon stood in front of him, fully covering him from view.

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