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"Haknyeon?" Hwall called out shakily. His grip on his wooden sword got even tighter. Haknyeon smiled eerily. 

"I'm here." He said, his smile never diminishing. Hwall felt chills travel down his spine as he stared at Haknyeon's emotion void eyes. Hwall scowled, both angrily and scared.

"You're not my Haknyeon." He glowered as he pointed his puny wooden sword at him. Hwall reprimanded himself at the lack of a proper weapon.

"What do you mean, Hwall? I'm here, aren't I?" Haknyeon took a step closer with his arms spread out as he continued smiling widely. Hwall shivered at the sight. 

"What did you do with Haknyeon!" He yelled, tears threatening to spill out. Then, thoughts of the other guys flickered in his mind. What was happening with them now? Were they safe?

'Haknyeon' stopped smiling as Hwall was preoccupied with his own worried thoughts. His expression contorted to one of pure wickedness as he stared down at Hwall. 

"How pathetic." 'Haknyeon' muttered. 

Hwall did not move as the imposter Haknyeon stepped closer. Haknyeon's face slowly formed scales from the jaw to the forehead. Hwall watched in horror as his whole body formed scales and eyes glowed a bright yellow. Hwall gasped as he came to terms with what he was facing with. 

"Hwall! Get away!" Haknyeon pulled Hwall from behind as the latter was frozen at the sight. Hwall looked at Haknyeon quizzically. Haknyeon rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I'm the actual Ju Haknyeon. I know about your sleep-complaining talk habits at night." Haknyeon muttered. Hwall sighed in relief. 

"Where were you! And is that an actual...?" Hwall asked as Haknyeon pulled them behind a bush and crouched down to hid. Haknyeon peeked up to see if the creature had followed. 

"First gumihos, now imoogis? Why did I have to become human!" Haknyeon complained. Hwall was still trying to process what was happening. 

"We need to go back. We need to warn the guys." Hwall said. Haknyeon nodded. Just as they were about to get up to flee back to camp, A strong gust of wind threw them off balance. 

The two boys coughed as the force hit them hard and stared at the imoogi slowly walking to them. Haknyeon and Hwall stared at each other. They weren't gonna get away easily now, are they?

Imoogi or lesser dragons - dragons in training. It will take them over a thousand years to become a true dragon. If (or when) they do catch a yeouijui (dragon orb) falling from the sky, then they will become a full-fledged dragon.

"I feel weird." Changmin frowned as he shook Younghoon awake. 

"Come here, babe. I'll hug you to sleep." Younghoon said sleepily as he made space for Changmin to come. Changmin frowned.

"No, Younghoon. I feel weird." Younghoon sighed and got up. He opened his eyes properly to show he was listening.

"I'm getting some kind of signals. But I don't know who it's from. I mean, we are all here." Changmin looked at their brothers sleeping around them, except for Joonyoung who got up suddenly. Joonyoung made eye contact with Changmin and Younghoon. 

"Wait, is that...?" Younghoon also felt it. Joonyoung nodded and woke up Chanhee.

"Chanhee, Chanhee?" Joonyoung shook him awake. Chanhee rubbed his eyes as he got up.

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