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"So, you mean they are leaving somewhere without telling us anything?" Haknyeon nodded at Hyungseo. 

They were sitting at a teashop, having a cup of tea. Hyungseo rubbed his chin as he lifted his cup to his lips. Haknyeon crumbled up his forehead at Hyungseo's pretentious figure but grinned right away when he looked at him. 

"I have a feeling Sunwoo knows as well. He and Hyunjae came back unusually calm. They would've been bragging about how many bamboo trees they cut down or who won whom but they were just 'this'." Hyungseo made a zipping motion on his mouth. Haknyeon frowned.

"Then, they are keeping a secret away from only us? That kinda upsets me." He took a bite out of the cookie served.

"Maybe it's just a short trip so they didn't bother telling?"

"No, it sounds like a reallllly long trip. The one you take when you don't know if you're gonna take weeks or months." 

"Not gonna lie, it does sting a bit. I thought we had established a solid friendship between us. I guess they still don't trust us enough. We did only know each other for a few years, so I guess that factors in too?" Hyungseo said, trying to comfort Haknyeon. 

"Oh, hyungs!" Haknyeon and Hyungseo whipped their head towards Hwall who beamed at them. He was carrying a bulgy sack of medicine. Hyungseo grimaced as Hwall plopped it on the chair beside him. The medicinal herbs had a very strong stench. Hwall wiped off the sweat on his forehead. 

Haknyeon didn't really look at Hwall, afraid he would get exposed. Hyungseo did talk to the younger but Hwall seems to be worried at the lack of words from Haknyeon.

"Are you okay?" Hwall asked Haknyeon. Haknyeon just hummed. Hwall puckered up his lips and put his elbows onto the table, leaning in.

"Then why aren't you talking with me? Hwallie feel sad. Hwall wants Haknyeon to talk with him" Hwall started tilting his head and talking in a cutesy voice. 

Haknyeon almost, almost cracked a smile. If not for feeling betrayed for not telling them about them leaving, that is. Haknyeon felt even worse so he just got up and tried to leave.

"Hyung! What's wrong?" Hwall grabbed his hands to stop him. Haknyeon didn't turn back and Hwall got really worried at that point. Hyungseo just stared at the scene in front of him as he took a sip of his tea. 

Haknyeon let out a breath and shook off Hwall's hands and stomped away, not letting back a glance. Hwall was left standing, confused and a bit hurt. He thought Haknyeon as one of his closest friends he could confide his matters in. He glanced at Hyungseo who just shrugged. 

"Must be his man period." 

Sunwoo had a lot on his mind. He dumped down the hay for his horse and just stood there, hands on his hips, thinking. Lots had happened the past few days and Sunwoo wasn't sure if he enjoyed it. 

He had an encounter with not only one but five spiritual beings and somehow managed to make an enemy out of two. 

He got lost in thought after picturing Chanhee's ethereal gumiho form before his own horse whacked him in the face with his tail. Sunwoo gave a glare at the oblivious animal and moved into the kitchen.

He grabbed a random spoon and started stirring the soup. Another thing was what Hyunjae had told him so seriously. Sunwoo was worried about him. Although Hyunjae might seem aloft and free most of the time, he knew it was all a façade to keep away unwanted attention. He couldn't let Hyunjae go just because he told him so. 

He had to do something, somehow. 

"Younghoon hyung! Where are you? Chanhee hyung wants to go  hunting." Youngjae looked around for any signs of Younghoon, "Just where the heck is he?".

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