Forty Three

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Hyunjae woke up with a huge headache. He groaned as he gripped onto his hair and got up, tripping on his own blanket bundled up around his feet. He cried out in pain as he held his feet and rubbed it as if it would help. 

"Oh, you're awake?" Hyungseo jumped down from his bed and stretched out his arms. 

"I guess I had a blast last night?" Hyunjae said, fighting with the blanket tangled up on his body. 

Hyungseo started laughing then stopped when Hyunjae looked at him cluelessly. Hyungseo crouched down in front of Hyunjae who was still clueless and patted his shoulders as he put on a serene expression.

"You sure had a huge blast." Hyungseo said and walked out of the room, leaving Hyunjae on the floor with a headache and confusion. 

Haechan and Taeil slumped down the floor after a few rounds of combat. Jaemin went ahead to get the towels. Jungwoo came in the hall at that moment and scrunched up his face.

"It smells like sweat in here." He commented and leant onto a pillar. 

"Jeno and Doyoung just used this room before us. It was way worse." Taeil said, taking a gulp of his water and handing it to Haechan.

Jaemin came back and threw the towels to Haechan who got hit it in the face.

"Oops, sorry not sorry." Jaemin grinned as Haechan glared at him. Taeil and Jungwoo chuckled at the two.

"Oh, hey, Jungwoo hyung. You coming to practice too?" Jaemin asked. Jungwoo shrugged.

"I was just wandering around but if you need a partner..." 

"Ooh, it's a rare chance for me to fight with you." Jaemin quickly got two spears and threw one to Jungwoo who caught it effortlessly. Jungwoo walked to the middle where Jaemin was waiting eagerly. He cracked his knuckles and neck and smiled at Jaemin.

"You ready?"

"Always, hyung-nim." Jungwoo smirked when Jaemin got into position confidently. Haechan and Taeil who were sitting beside looked at each other. 

"Jaemin's getting his ass kicked." Haechan whispered. 

"For sure." Taeil whispered back.

Jaemin let out a shout as he charged at Jungwoo who stood calmly, putting his spear behind his back. Jaemin jumped and aimed at Jungwoo who dodged it gracefully and kicked Jaemin's spear out of his hand. Jaemin managed to catch it but unfortunately, he turned his back to Jungwoo giving him the perfect opportunity to strike. 

Jungwoo hit Jaemin with the blunt end of his spear making Jaemin kneel down. Jaemin whipped his leg around to trip Jungwoo. Jungwoo tumbled over to stand up in position again. But Jaemin wasn't resting, he came at Jungwoo again. The two clashed spears and fought breathlessly.

"Jaemin has improved." Haechan and Taeil got startled by Jeno's sudden intrusion between them. 

"Why are you so silent?" Haechan hissed. Jeno grinned at him.

"You two were just immersed in Jungwoo hyung and Jaemin's fight." He placed himself between the two. 

"Why are you here again? You like the smell of sweat that much?" Taeil asked, letting out a satisfied noise when Jaemin managed to land a blow on Jungwoo. 

"I was bored." Jeno shrugged. The three continued watching the fight. 

"Arghh!" Jaemin yelled out when Jungwoo kicked the back of his knee and spun a kick around. Jaemin fell down the floor, panting. Then, a sharp spear end came pointing at his neck. Jaemin looked up the spear to see a panting Jungwoo, smiling nonetheless. 

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