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It was time to carry out the mission. Kun and Haechan glanced at each other, then watched Jungwoo wiping his sword, expression hardened into a determined one.

"You don't touch my brothers." He gritted out.

And thrusted the sword directly at his heart. The man could not get out another word, eyes vacant. He plopped down the ground, pathetically.

Changmin did not feel an ounce of pity at all as he walked away. Leaving the dying man.

The man coughed out blood, body trembling as his life slowly seeped out his body.

"Hyung? Hyung!! JUNGWOO HYUNG!"

Jungwoo looked up to see his little brother, Sungchan running towards him. He cracked a smile.


"Don't hey me! I thought I told you to stay put! Why didn't you listen to me?" Sungchan was frantic, pulling Jungwoo's weightless body into his chest. He sobbed uncontrollably.

"Sungchannie....I'm fine..." Jungwoo breathed out with difficulty.

"No, YOU'RE NOT FINE!!" Sungchan cried out, tears pouring out and clutching the sword in Jungwoo's chest. Sungchan sobbed as he stared helplessly at his brother.

Just then, an explosion occurred at the main house. Sungchan breath hitched as the whole place caught on fire and dust coated everywhere.

Something clicked in his head.

"Hyung, I'm your little brother, aren't I?" Sungchan said quietly. 

Jungwoo let out small whimpers at the pain and nodded. Sungchan tightened his grip on Jungwoo and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop his tears.

He took a deep breath in and leant in just as Jungwoo began to go limp in his arms.

Sungchan connected his lips with Jungwoo's, parting them. The last drop of tear trickled down his cheek as he concentrated all his energy on conjuring his fox marble. He pushed the marble out of him and into Jungwoo's mouth forcefully.

Jungwoo started to fidget under him, feeling the foreign object. After the whole marble got transferred to his brother, Sungchan plopped down beside Jungwoo.

He dragged himself on the ground towards Jungwoo and reached for his hands, entwining them together. Jungwoo was half-conscious. But he couldn't move his body immediately due to the new sensation rushing through his veins.

"Sungchan-ah, no. You can't do this. No..." Jungwoo protested but to no avail. Jungwoo gripped on Sungchan's hands harder.

"I promised, hyung." Sungchan spoke softly with a sincere smile.

"Your little brother will protect you."

Then his eyes slowly closed, his smile dispersing. Sungchan's hands went limp in Jungwoo's. Jungwoo's body trembled as he cried.

After getting control of his body again, Jungwoo got up with difficulty. He dragged himself over Sungchan, hands trembling as it hovered above Sungchan's face.

"No, you shouldn't protect me." Jungwoo cried out, cupping Sungchan's face.

"It's too late now."

Jungwoo paused at Kun's voice. He looked up at him with teary eyes.

"What do you mean it's too late. I can give his marble back!"

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