Thirty Eight

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Hyunjae and Younghoon glanced at each other.

"I think we're lost." Hyunjae said.

"You think?" Younghoon said, sarcastically.

The two looked at their fogged up surrounding. They couldn't even see a meter into the distance. After separating from Taeyong and the others, they had somehow stumbled into a thick area and now, lost. 

The two kept close and tied a rope on both their wrists together. They didn't need to become like Hwall and Haknyeon.

"Maybe we should hide until the sun rises?" Younghoon suggested. Hyunjae shook his head.

"And risk losing the competition? No, I don't want to lose." Hyunjae said. Younghoon sighed. 

"Fine. Then let's go on." He muttered and lead the way.

"You know the way?" Hyunjae said, hope evident in his tone.


The two aimlessly wander around, ears perking up at every single rustle and crumble. It was getting darker. Hyunjae was worried. 

Worried they'll lose the competition. 

"I think we're trapped. They made a labyrinth here. We can't get out if we don't know what's the cause." Younghoon pointed out. Hyunjae glanced around, sighing in agreement.

"So, what do we do?" He looked at Younghoon. 

"We need to find the one who created this illusion."

"And I think it's not only one." Younghoon whipped his head around to where Hyunjae was looking at. He gulped.

"Why do we always meet with a whole bunch?" Hyunjae cried a little inside. 

"Can't avoid it now." Younghoon muttered and cut off the rope tying them together. 

"This is hardly fair. I'm only equipped with a sword and my dashing good charms while you got a whole fox super power." Hyunjae grumbled. Younghoon side eyed him weirdly.

"You know what? I'm not gonna even ask." Younghoon gave up. He can't talk any longer either with the imoogis charging at the two of them. Hyunjae and Younghoon braced themselves for a bloody fight. 

And it was, indeed, bloody. Imagine a human and a gumiho up against a horde of imoogis.... pretty bad, huh?

"I swear I've never hated Father as much as now!" Hyunjae yelled out, slashing his sword down an imoogi.

Younghoon grunted as he got hit but managed to retaliate in time, sending two imoogis flying into a tree. 

"I swear-"

"Stop talking!!!" Younghoon yelled, grabbing the throat of an imoogi and slamming it down. Hyunjae pouted and weaved the attacks. But as time passed, he realized, it wasn't going to end. Younghoon did as well. 

Hyunjae was panting heavily, sword planted into the ground. But he couldn't rest, or he and Younghoon would get killed. 

"Arghh!" Hyunjae cried out as an imoogi clawed him in his chest. Younghoon ran to him and kicked the imoogi out of the way. He immediately out a clothe on Hyunjae's wounds and closed his eyes for a bit. 

"It'll be fine if I do this." Younghoon said. Hyunjae watched as a small glow emitted from Younghoon's hands. But before Hyunjae's wounds could be fully healed, Younghoon coughed out blood. 

Hyunjae looked in horror as Younghoon fell into his embrace. The huge tear on Younghoon's back was bloody and bruised. 

"Younghoon! Yah!!" Hyunjae shook Younghoon in panic. He looked at the imoogi in front of him, trying to mask his fear. 

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