Twenty Seven

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"Are you serious?" Juyeon asked Youngjae who was cuddling a small rabbit in his arms. Youngjae looked up at Juyeon with an offended look.

"If you are thinking of practicing on this precious smol baby, then you are a monster." He huffed. Juyeon quirked a brow at Youngjae trying to look intimidating. 

"It's a rabbit." He said.

"A cute little creature!" Youngjae hissed.

"Like you?" Youngjae blushed at Juyeon's sudden comment. Juyeon smirked at him and ruffled up his hair.

"But we still need to practice for the competition. How are we gonna do that?" 

"I don't know. Just don't touch her." Youngjae patted the rabbit's head as he let it go.  

"Hey ho! How's your catch?" Hyunjae came in stomping. Youngjae's eyes widened in horror at the two rabbits in Changmin's hands.

"Hyung! You didn't..." Youngjae looked at the rabbits pitifully. 

"Didn't what?" Changmin asked confused.

"Kill....them?" Youngjae's eyes pooled with tears. Changmin nodded triumphantly and held them up.

"Hyunjae and I trapped them!" He said, cheerfully. Youngjae frowned. Just when he was about to tell them off, Younghoon, Haknyeon, Joonyoung, and Hyungseo came. 

"Stay away from Hyungseo." Younghoon warned in advance. The four looked confused.

"He fell in poison ivy." Joonyoung explained. The four immediately backed off. Hyungseo was pouting as he itched all over. Haknyeon couldn't hold in his giggles. 

"Where's the rest? I though we decided to meet up by now." Joonyoung asked. 

The twelve boys had decided to try their hands at hunting before going over the basics. Of course, the gumihos had more expertise in these matters.

"I can't believe you let him get away!" 

"It's not my fault!"

"It is!" The eight boys turned to the squabbling duo who walked empty-handed with Hwall and Sangyeon.

Juyeon looked at Hwall asking what happened with his eyes. 

"We set a trap but every time an animal came-"

"Those two idiots kept arguing and scared them away." Sangyeon cut  in Hwall's sentence. Hwall nodded. The ten boys stared at the two who were still arguing whose fault it was. 

"I thought gumihos were supposed to know how to hunt!" Sunwoo shouted, in a very mocking tone.

"That's just stereotype! If you didn't keep talking back to me, then maybe that deer wouldn't have heard your big mouth!" Chanhee retorted back.

"Maybe if you stopped fidgeting so much, then I would've stopped!"

The two glared intensely at each other. 

"You should treat me with respect. I'm very much older than you." Chanhee gritted his teeth.

"Oh ho, now you are using the age card? Of course, grandpa!" Sunwoo sneered. Chanhee gasped in disbelief.

"Grandpa! How dare you!"

"You are more than 200 years old, what'd you expect?" Sunwoo smirked at Chanhee's flabbergasted expression. 

"Will you two shut up? I'm getting tired." Younghoon snapped. Chanhee and Sunwoo turned to glare at him when they noticed the rest were looking at them with the same bored expressions. 

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