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" really are that kid?" Chanhee fiddled with the handkerchief in his hands. Hyunjae tilted his head at him curiously. He was sure he looked threatening before when talking with Sunwoo. Why did he look innocent now?

The two of them were at the entrance of a cave nearby. Joonyoung let them talk in private.

"Don't you remember me?" Hyunjae asked, keeping his voice calm. Chanhee still didn't look at him, instead keeping his eyes on the handkerchief in his hands.

"I kinda do but, you changed. You were a kid back then and now, you are....."

"A dashing handsome young man? I know." Hyunjae grinned to himself when Chanhee finally shot him a look.

"Oh, now you decide to make eye contact?" Hyunjae said, amused.

"Never mind that. Thank you for helping me back then. And also for last night. Thank you for saving Younghoon." 

"It was my pleasure to have helped two honorable spirits."

"Don't flatter me. That won't get you out of suspicion.

"Aww, you caught me." Hyunjae gave a teasing smile. Chanhee frowned.

"Why aren't you scared?"

"Scared of what? You?" Chanhee nodded. Most people would be afraid when having seen Chanhee and the others in their real form. Like that Sunwoo, Chanhee thought.

Chanhee almost giggled at the horror stricken expression on Sunwoo's face last night.

"Somehow, I know you don't really want to kill me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Cause...I don't know either. My gut just tells me that." Hyunjae shrugged and leaned in close to Chanhee's face, "And it seems that I'm right." He smiled. 

Chanhee fake coughed and looked away from Hyunjae, feeling a bit awkward. He was supposed to have the upper hand here, not Hyunjae. 

"I'll try talking with the others. You two should keep your word." Hyunjae nodded, still smiling at Chanhee. 

"So......what exactly did you guys talk about?" Sunwoo asked as the two trekked down the mountain to where they left their horses. 

"Stuff. Things about ten years ago." Hyunjae replied as he removed a branch out of the path. Sunwoo wasn't focusing and got hit by the branch Hyunjae had removed. He cursed silently as he jogged behind Hyunjae again. 

"What happened ten years ago?" He asked. 

"Nothing. We just met." 

"Just met?" 

Sunwoo wasn't satisfied and was about to ask more when Hyunjae suddenly ran over to their horses. They had arrived at the base at last. 

Joonyoung told them they would let him go. He had decided to trust them, or rather Chanhee because he had vouched for them. But Sunwoo had panicked a bit when Youngjae came close to him and grabbed his neck. He did something but he didn't know exactly what but he did do something. Same with Hyunjae, Younghoon grabbed his neck and did something. Sunwoo figures it's a spell to keep them from spilling or something cause he doesn't know shit about gumihos. He decided that he needs to learn more when he got back. 

"Oh? You guys are back?" Hyungseo greeted the two as they walked in the yard with their horses. Hyungseo furrowed his brows at the unusually quiet duo. 

"How was the training?" Hyungseo asked nonetheless. Sunwoo glanced at Hyunjae who just focused on getting the saddle off his horse.


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