Twenty Two

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Chanhee struggled to stay still. He had the pole from earlier on his shoulder. This time, the pail was filled with bricks. And as addition, Jungkook had put a bowl of horse urine on their heads. Chanhee glared hard at Hyunjae squatting across him. Besides him, Sunwoo was gritting his teeth, trying to stay still.

The three of them had been punished for disrupting the training. So while others had a break and did other training exercises, here the three were still squatting with extra weight and horse piss on top of their heads. 

"Shouldn't we do something?" Youngjae asked, watching the three from the pavilion. 

"Do what?" Changmin took a bite of his apple, looking amused and leaned his head on Younghoon's shoulder. Youngjae looked at him weirdly. 

"Hey, we gonna do a bet. You wanna join?" Haknyeon came to them.

"What bet?" Changmin asked. 

"Who's going to get covered in horse piss first." Hyungseo said, joining in. Haknyeon grinned at him.

"I put my bet on Sunwoo." Youngjae raised his hand. Haknyeon nodded, then turned to Younghoon and Changmin.

"Chanhee." Both of them said in unison. 

"He's our brother. How could you!" Youngjae gasped. 

"Because he is our brother." Changmin replied. Youngjae rolled his eyes. 

"Okayyy, then 3 votes for Chanhee, 4 for Hyunjae and 2 for Sunwoo." Haknyeon said, counting his fingers. 

"Wait, Sunwoo only got two votes?" Youngjae asked in disbelief. 

"Umm, yeah. You and Hyungseo." Haknyeon said.

"What!? And why does Chanhee hyung have three? Changmin hyung, Younghoon hyung, and?"

"Joonyoung hyung." Haknyeon beamed at him. Youngjae turned to Joonyoung who acted oblivious and walked away to the other side. Youngjae looked at the three of his brothers, disapprovingly and shook his head.

"I am seriously going to kill you once we get back to our rooms." Sunwoo grunted. His shoulders were aching from the weight. 

"I said it was an accident." Hyunjae said, impatiently.

"It wouldn't have happened if-"

"Will you two shut the hell up!" Chanhee hissed at the two of them. Hyunjae and Sunwoo immediately shut up, seeing Chanhee's ticked off expression. 

"I'm sorry..." 

"Shut up." Sunwoo and Chanhee said simultaneously. 

Silence ensued for a while.

"But for real thou-"

"I'm gonna slice your neck off your body if any of you utter another single word." Chanhee threatened, glaring at Hyunjae with blazing blue eyes. 

Hyunjae and Sunwoo gulped. Sunwoo forgot he had a bowl of piss on his head and nodded his head. 


"YAHHHHH KIM SUNWOOOOO!!!!!!" Chanhee yelled at the top of his voice. Since he was squatting right in front of Hyunjae and Sunwoo, the piss splattered directly at his face. 

Sunwoo froze watching Chanhee's state. Hyunjae managed to stifle his laugh, afraid Chanhee would direct his wrath at him.

"I di-didn't m-mean to...." He stuttered.

"Of course, you didn't" Chanhee clenched his jaw and spoke in a scarily low tone. He lowered his pole carefully and brought down the bowl on his head. 

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