I Guess (One Shot)

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A/N: I just thought of something and it suit sunnew the best so I thought why not? Credits to that one tiktok video I saw. \

"Hey, Sunwoo! Your fingers are really pretty." 


At Nyu's words, Sunwoo took a look at his fingers, spreading them apart. A compliment from New was rare so of course he enjoyed it with a blush on his cheeks. 

Nyu giggled and that made Sunwoo confused. New shook his head and continued scrolling through his phone.

Sunwoo eyed him suspiciously but shrugged it off. The compliment was still taking effect on him. He went back to own phone. 

The two were at the café at Nyu's gallery. There wasn't anyone but them at the moment. It was during closed hours in the afternoon. 

"Hey Sunwoo, there's something stuck on your shoe."

"Huh? I don't see anything." 

"It's stuck at the bottom of your shoe."

Sunwoo frowned. But he got up to check anyways. He got startled when New let out a laugh. 

"You're gay." He said, nodding his head.

"Excuse me?" Sunwoo raised his brow.

Nyu ignored him and continued looking at his phone. He grabbed his bubble tea to take a sip but it got snatched away.

Nyu looked up at Sunwoo in amusement while the latter gave him a angry glare.

"I am not gay." Sunwoo snapped.

"Ok. Sure." Nyu shrugged, trying to get his bubble tea back. 

But Sunwoo just moved it further out of his reach. Nyu huffed at that, glaring at Sunwoo. Sunwoo had a determined look.

"What makes you think I'm gay?" He questioned. 

"Well.... what you did earlier." 

"What I did earlier? What did I do?" 

"When you stood up and checked your shoe, you lifted your foot from the back, not the front."

"And that makes me gay?" 

Sunwoo had a scary face on right now and that made Nyu panic a little. He stood up and patted down at Sunwoo's chest, trying to calm him down. Then he tiptoed to grab his bubble tea back.

"It's not only that. Also when I said your fingers looked pretty."

"What about that?" Sunwoo snapped. 

Nyu giggled at the irritated look on Sunwoo's face. It was pretty hilarious.

"You spread your hand to check them instead of curling them up like others do." 

Nyu watched as Sunwoo went silent. Instead his glaring eyes spoke for him. Nyu's eyes darted left and right. 

There was no one at the café right now. The CCTVs were also in repair. If Sunwoo wanted to end him, he could easily do it without leaving any trace. 

Nyu gulped. Maybe he picked the wrong time to test a tiktok trick on Sunwoo. 

"I'll be leaving now. Got to check up on the rooms before the gallery reopens." He said.

He shifted out of position sideways, like a crab. He threw away his empty cup and sprinted out of the café. He did not turn back at all and zoomed right into the elevator. 

As the elevator door started closing in, Nyu let out a sigh of relief. But his eyes popped out when a hand emerged in between the closing doors. 

The elevator doors opened again to reveal Sunwoo with a glowering face. Nyu gulped. 

He stepped back as Sunwoo advanced forward with his scary gaze. Nyu held up his hands helplessly. 

"Sunwoo-yah. I was just joking! Hehe, I didn't really think you were gay. It was just a trick on tiktok and I thought it would be fun to share it with you- please don't kill me." 

Nyu squeaked at the end of his sentence. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for whatever was about to come. 

"Open your eyes." Sunwoo said. 

Nyu opened one eye then closed it again after seeing Sunwoo's cold expression. He shook his head. He heard a sigh.

"Nyu, open your eyes." 

This time, Nyu opened both of his eyes and face Sunwoo. He bit the insides of his lip nervously. But whatever he expected from Sunwoo, he definitely did not expect this.


Nyu let out a muffled voice. His eyes were wide open in astonishment but he closed it again as he felt Sunwoo nibble onto his lips.

Sunwoo practically pushed onto Nyu as he tilted his head. His hands found its way into Nyu's shaky hands and he intertwined them. Nyu's palm felt soft against his. 

Nyu let out a small soft moan making Sunwoo smile into the kiss. Sunwoo lapped and sucked gently on Nyu's lips as if he just found the sweetest candy in the world.

After a final kiss, Sunwoo parted away, panting lightly. He stared into Nyu's wide eyes and smirked. Nyu blushed at the heavy look Sunwoo had on him. 

The two were in their own world until the elevator opened again. 

"Sorry! I'll take the other one!" Eric yelled and pressed the close button hastily with the other hand covering up his eyes. 

Nyu was blushing harder than ever. His cheeks, his ears, his neck, his whole body felt like it was on fire. He only looked up when Sunwoo cupped his cheek. Sunwoo smirked at him teasingly.

"I guess I am gay."

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