Forty One

532 46 30

Chaos. It was utter chaos.

"Hyunjae!! NO!" Sunwoo shouted and winced as Hyunjae barged into a chicken coop. The owner started yelling and shouting angrily.

"I'm so sorry. I will compensate for everything." Juyeon spoke calmly and gave a small bag to the owner. The owner still had a mad face before peering into the bag. Then he smiled wide.

"I got duck coops and pigsties as well. Would your friend like to play with them?" He said, eyes twinkling in greed. 

"My my! Chicken! Come here. Chicken, my true love!" Hyunjae stumbled around as he tried to catch one. Hyungseo and Sunwoo tried to catch Hyunjae while Hyunjae was trying to catch a chicken. Neither caught anything.

Instead, Hyunjae tripped himself and fell into a mud pool while Sunwoo and Hyungseo bumped into each other and fell on their butts.

Chanhee, Changmin and Younghoon grimaced in disgust. They looked at each other and shook their heads with the same thought. Humans.

"That won't be necessary, but if you have extra clothes for sale, I would gladly appreciate it." Juyeon said politely. 

"Oh, that! My wife sells. Here, here." The man enthusiastically called his wife. While Juyeon was purchasing the extra clothes, the three gumihos walked towards the three humans on the ground.

"Are you always this clumsy and dirty?" Changmin tilted his head earning a scowl from Hyungseo and Sunwoo. 

"Only when a piss drunk guy is involved." Hyungseo muttered and glared at Hyunjae. Younghoon chuckled and helped Hyungseo up. Sunwoo was expecting Chanhee to do the same since he was standing beside him.

But Chanhee didn't. Instead he walked to Hyunjae and crouched down beside him. 

"Chicken? But a chicken isn't pretty..." Hyunjae slurred his words as he grinned at Chanhee stupidly. Chanhee sighed. 

Sunwoo looked at the two, still sitting on the ground. 

"Aren't you gonna get up?" Younghoon asked Sunwoo but got ignored. Changmin pulled him back and shook his head when he received a confused look. 

Chanhee helped a drunk Hyunjae up and made him stand straight. Hyunjae stumbled to walk and fell down again, this time right in front of Sunwoo who was still on the ground.

"Huh? Hi~~~" Hyunjae grinned, then hiccupped. Sunwoo stared at him, emotionlessly. Hyunjae crept closer on all fours towards Sunwoo. Then it happened.

Chanhee, Changmin, Hyungseo and Younghoon gasped in shock. 

"Oh. My." Hyungseo let out while Changmin bit into his boyfriend's hands to stop from squealing out loud. Chanhee's jaws were wide open.

Sunwoo's eyes widened as Hyunjae pressed his lips onto his. After a few seconds passed and realization dawned upon him, Sunwoo kicked Hyunjae away. 

"YAH LEE HYUNJAE!" Sunwoo's voice roared through the place as he let out a stream of colorful curses. Sunwoo stared at the passed out Hyunjae in horror. He slowly touched his own lips and shivered. He desperately tried to rub away any residue of Hyunjae's lips on his. 

"I was not expecting that." Juyeon said quietly.

Hwall and Haknyeon turned around, confused. 

"Where did they go?" Haknyeon asked as the crowd dispersed. Youngjae shrugged.

"Went to catch a drunk Hyunjae." He said.

"Well, then. We just gotta have fun by ourselves." Haknyeon rubbed his hands together, grinning at the two. Youngjae and Hwall glanced at each other. 

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