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Youngjae sat beside Chanhee, just staring at him and yawning occasionally. Younghoon handed him a cup of tea.

"You should get some rest. You also stayed up the night before looking after Chanhee." Youngjae took the cup and shook his head.

"I want to be right here when he wakes up."

"I'll call you immediately."

"No, thanks. But you should rest, too." 

"Whatever you say." Younghoon walked away to talk to Changmin.

"He's still not budging?" Changmin asked him, pouring tea for them. Younghoon shook his head.

"That kid's stubborn. Wonder where he learned that from." Changmin gave Younghoon his cup. 

"That kid laying down on the bed." He muttered. Changmin laughed and nodded in agreement.

Youngjae was oblivious of the couple's conversation in the same room. He hesitantly held Chanhee's hand. 

"Please wake up. You need to nag me for not sleeping. For not eating my vegetables. For trying to annoy you now." He smiled sadly, seeing no response from Chanhee. He sighed and laid his head down on Chanhee's stomach and proceeded to close his eyes to, maybe, catch a wink.

"Get your heavy head off of me."

"Sunwoo, calm down. Let's listen what he has to say first." Hyungseo tried to hold back Sunwoo. 

"Just what motives do you have that you want to keep them? What are you and that master you are talking about have in mind?" Sunwoo narrowed his eyes at Sangyeon.

"Sit down. I'm not having conversation with an agitated person." Sangyeon replied. Sunwoo glared at him but sat down. Hyungseo sat down besides but still kept an eye on him and gestured for Haknyeon to do the same. 

"Now, Hyunjae might have already told you roughly about why we are here. I invited them on this team. But you guys followed us here. I hate to say this but you got yourselves involved and I can't, the master can't let you go that easily."

Hyungseo was about to ask a question but got stopped by Sangyeon holding up a finger. He pouted.

"It is dangerous. Both for this organization and you, if you go back just like this."

"How?" Haknyeon asked.

"Those assassins you just fought for the past three days, they won't stop their attempts. Since they've already seen you guys with us, you are also under their radar. That includes the gumihos as well. Also, you told me one of them was held captive by the assassins." Sangyeon looked at Sunwoo. Sunwoo nodded.

"That's another reason why we can't let them just go back. I have a suspicion they know of their identities. Maybe they could even know that gumihos already exist. If we just let those five gumihos go back, they might encounter even greater danger than this." Sangyeon finished talking.

Hyunjae glanced at Sunwoo, Hyungseo, and Haknyeon.

"I'm sorry I had to drag you into this. I should've been more careful." He said, apologetically.

"It's not your fault. We didn't contain our curiosity." Haknyeon said, rather calmly. 

"So, what do we do now?" Sunwoo said. 

"Now, you train to be a Hwarang." 

At Sangyeon's words, the three looked at each other warily. Them? Train? Hwarang?

"Umm, if you hadn't noticed. Yeah, I'm a painter. You might've seen my paint brushes, yeah. Umm, I can't train to fight like you guys." Hyungseo chimed in, looking back and forth Sunwoo and Sangyeon.

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