new home, monster

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after the thing with the mansion maiya brings us to our new base of operations. though out the time sakura is holding my hand. when we get there we find kiritsugu was there. through out the time of people talking a lot about the war for the like hundredth time. and talking about where every one is.

i bring sakura into a room with a bed and get her some food.

(y/n): sakura its time to go to bed.

(sakura): but why its so early?

(y/n): i have to go to bed so that i can fight tomorrow. 

(sakura): what's going on tomorrow.

(y/n): I'm fighting caster, caster is a bad man that kills children.

(sakura): i don't like who this caster is.

(y/n): yeah me and father don't like them either. after this fight, i will only be with yo for a little while.

(sakura): why? you just became my papa...

(y/n): i am a servant sakura, i was made only for this war. to get the holy grail.

(sakura): than wish to be with me.

(y/n): i will be gone before the grail ends, irisviel is going to die soon, because she is a homunculus.

(sakura): than make a pact with kiritsugu.

(y/n): i might but, i don't think that he can handle having two servants at the same time.

(sakura): if its ending soon, just have him be your master for a little longer.

(y/n): i will try sakura, now get some sleep.

(sakura): goodnight papa.

(y/n): goodnight my daughter.

sakura falls asleep in a little while. i wonder what I'm going to do, give her back to the matou's or give her to kiritsugu.

the next morning was when the worst happens. mana starts to explode from the docks. quickly getting to irisviel and father we leave to the docks. where we find a giant squid, casters noble phantasm.

we find that there is also rider and his master there. 

(rider): even if i do not like you, we are under a alliance to take down this monster.

(artoria/(y/n)): we agree to this.

(y/n): master, when the time is right. i will use my noble phantasm. conserve your mana till than.

(irisviel): i understand ruler

(lancer): are you going to fight without me.

(y/n): wouldn't dream of it lancer.

(waver): but how are you going to get there, you would have to walk on water for that.

(lancer/artoria/(y/n)): what a simple task...

(waver): what now???

we start to attack the large squid. me and saber are making opening for lancer to do his work. this is going to be very hard. jets start to circle around the beast but in a batter of seconds the creature destroys them, except for one. in which berserker jumps on it.

wire like things start to come out of berserkers armor, they plunge into the jet and the jet starts to turn black and red. and flies at Gilgamesh's flying throne.  the sky is filled with a golden green and a darkened red as archer and berserker are fighting it out. 

 we start to fight the creature more. it was time, i took out Excaliburn and removed its sheath. i start to use prana burst to obliterate the squid arms. the gold light shining brightly as lancer and saber look at it.

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