vote 2.0

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So I don't know if in stay night and the others I should change the main characters class pls vote

If you want it please vote on

Avenger (alter)
(Excaliburn morgan)

Stay as ruler (I'm okay with this)

Or how about when Sakura is currupted he turns to a avenger

I'm not putting any of those other classes in fgo tho. Have a nice day

Also can someone tell me where to find fate stay night heavens feel
It's not on Netflix, crunchy roll, or funamation

I changed the vote, it was one sided.

btw scathatch won the vote

Also don't vote for this. I delete everything that is not a new chapter of the story

Well except for the last one

reincarnated in fate as Mordred's brother(reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ