save, fight at the docks

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when we get to fuyuki the place of the grail war. i knew it was time to go help someone. i couldn't allow what they had done to them. so i talked to my master.

(y/n): master i need to do something, i might be not here for a while.

(irisviel): what are you going to do ruler?

(y/n): im sorry master i cant tell you..

(irisviel): just make sure that you dont cause any trouble.. by ruler...

(y/n): yes master.

as i leave the place we where staying at, grabbing a car. and turning on the engine, using my riding skill to help. i make it there in no time, making sure to stay safe.

(stay safe kids)

i get to the mansion, going down to where the motou family. i made sure to look it up on the computer. i get to the old mans mansion, going down to where the zouken sleeps.

(y/n): i know that i am a knight, i just cant allow this..

(y/n) stabs the old man with his excalibur, making sure that his sword hits the old mans heart. hearing the old mans breath slow down to a stop. he than goes down to the basement finding a bunch of bugs and other things on the ground. surrounding a little girl.

taking out his sword from the sheath it shining, and taking off the seal that is on his sword, with the shear brightness and light of the sword the bugs die instantly. him putting the sword back in the sheath. and walks over to sakura.

(y/n): can you hear me little one?

(sakura): yes, father is going to be mad at you..

(y/n): do not worry little one, i will take you back to the tohsaka's..

(sakura): i dont want to go back there while fathers there.

(y/n): okay than, will you live with me than little one..

(sakura): sure..!

seeing the smile on her face made him happy, but he needed to keep her protected. and remove those stupid worms that are in her.

(y/n): sakura.., i need you to lay down right now.

she does as told. he takes out his sheath from his waist putting it into sakura. sensing the magic coming off of her, the energy exploded inside her. she will certainly be really strong later. the holy energy killed any bugs that are inside her, meaning she can show emotion a bit more, but still, she had to put up with torture, and rape for hours.

the energy that came off was enough to knock the poor girl out. than (y/n) went back home. he was stopped by kiritsugu when he was at the door.

(kiritsugu): why do you have a child with you ruler.?!

(y/n): she needed help, and i gave it to her. Do You Have A Problem Kiritsugu

(y/n) says as he glared at kiritsugu, he could not allow allow sakura to be with motou but she did not want to be a tohsaka. so he was going to adopt the girl.

(y/n): im going to adopt her, i might not be here for longer than two weeks. but i cant allow such a small girl to be alone.

(kiritsugu): as long as she doesn't stop you from your duties.

(y/n): she wont, if you want me i will be putting her in the room and waiting.

(y/n) did exactly that when his father came into the room.

(artoria): so i heard your taking in a kid.

(y/n): she needs it..

(artoria): you are too kind to people.

reincarnated in fate as Mordred's brother(reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant